Page 528 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 528
TABLE No. 10.
Table shoving the total value of principal articles exported from the Port qf Bunder Abbas
during the yeare 1895, 1896 and 1897,
IBM. 1690, 1897.
Principal arfldta and principal
eoantrlM to which exported.
Quantity. Quantity. Value. Quantity, Value.
Aiimui 200 head ■saooo HO •to
Corron Pibcji-ooods 06 bdla. 13,800 •••
Turkey • • 26 bdla. 6,660 32 pkga, 4,320
Arab Com* • •• . ICO * 26,000 88 „ 11,400
Mnsk&t . . 60 * 12,000 y h 7,600
Bahrein • • • •• 26 „
•m Mb 8,260
Persian Porta . 26 „
Ml 7,600
Conou (baw) 10,216 cwta. 2^1,320
India • 8,625 owts, 1,4 4*025 6,623’jcwta. 62,082
• M
Bahrein . HI 80 „ 8GO
Arab Coast 100 cwta. 1,700 60 ., 600
Maskat • 76 „ 1376 70 „ 840
Dates . 100,000 owts.i f/AOOO • M
India 74.000 cwts. 2,96,000 GO,000 cwts. 2*40,000
Arab Const 11.000 „ 33.000 12,000 „ 48.000
Persian Porta 6,000 „ 16.000 8,000 „ 32.000
Dbugs aim Medicwes . 14,560 cwts. *,29,360 • BB MB • BB • ••
India . . , 2,964 cwts. 26,676
Arab Coast • , BM 150 „ 1,360
Bahrein . . . IBB 100 „ 900
Mask at . . . 100 * 000
Turkey ... • •• 150 „ 1,360
Other Sorts--
United Ejngdom • 1,600 cwts. 36,000 7'X) cwt*. 18,900
Bahrein . , . , 200 „ 700
India • • • 5,368 cwts. 1,16,135 7,072 ,, 1,58,670
Arab Coast . , 400 „ 1,400 300 „ 1,050
Turkey . 900 „ 3.150 3,000 * 10,650
Maakat . . . 800 „ 2,830 659 „ 1,956
Drsiiro AKD COLOUBING KATB- 6,730 cwta. 27,770 • •• BBB • ••
India |pfSi . , «•# • •• 1,288 cwta. 14,132
Bahrein • | • •. 600 „ 2,400
Arab Coast . . 400 „ 1,600
Maskat • • • . ' 300 „ 1,200
Turkey . • 4,000 ,, 18,000
Pbuita ahd Vbobtablbb •64jCa6 cat*-[ 9,14,720 ••• • ••
India • 12,325 orrta. 1,47,900 16,290 owta. 1,95,480
Bahrein • • 160 w 1300
Maskat • 400 cwta. 4,800 680 „ 6.960
Arab Coast • •• 200 M 2,400 200 „ 2,400
Turkey • • 200 n 2,400 300 „ 8,600
Raisins and Currants—
India • • • 84fiOO cwta. 1,87,000 24,787 cwta. 1,48.426
Bahrein . • , 160 „ 900
Maskat . , . 600 cwta. 400 „ 2,400
Arab Coast 300 ., 200 „ 1300
Turkey • 1,600
200 w 250 *
Other Sorts—
India • • , 4,194 cwts. 1,48,901 10,489 cwta. 1,94.683
Bahrein . • * 160 „ 1,260
Arab Coast . . 300 cwta. 2,100 400 „ 3,400
Maakat « 200 „ 1,400 310 „ 2,840
Turkey « 8,900
400 „ 2,800 600 „