Page 531 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 531
besidkncv AK& MASlUt Vbtmokt. taSKOT ?oB TBS fBAS Sf
Cables No. II.
Table thOtcinp tie Mai value of principal articlei imported into tie Port of Bunder Jllat
during the yean 1695, 1896 and 1897•
• 18W. 'iWL ‘ 1837.
rrin*<r*l nrf vrteelpal
eoutrits from «hl«k Imported.
QmnlUy. V*lo«, Qnntltj. Ytloa. Quantity. Tahw.
R R *■
Avnuu eiohcM few ... ik. *" ; •** }
bonify i \
Maskat . 200 head 7.000 170 head 6,100
AlXt AND AUKVtiVnoV 64,220 • H •4* • —•
Ei Met, If art ini ffcarg*-
Ufaited Kingdom . 7 ca*6t 42.000 12 cubs 66,000
Mubt • 4pkgo. 8,360 •••
United Kingdom •V« •H 8,760 14 cases 12,003
Maskat . • Ml 700
Otter torIt—
United Kingdom . 14,400 '8 casts 6.600
Mxul&i . . • 0 „ 530
Books a*d rzurrso uatteb 200 cases 10,000
India • • • 60 eases 3,000 60 eases 3,000
CaVDLKs 3,820 cases 29,890 ...
India SOI cwta. 12,000 1,600 eases 9,02®
CoFPEB 165 cwta 11,650
India • 180 cwtn. 12,600 398 owts. 12&Q
Coib and Coix Ropb 1.200 cwts. 15,000 .«
India . • • ISO* cwta M©5
Cotton piece ooodo 7,764 bdla 31,79,140 it.
WIite ant/grey ihirtingi-
Untied Kingdom • In 1,300 bales 4.79.000 1300 cVta ‘ 45^W»0
India . 2.600 „ 7.34.000 1,000 bales SjOOjGQQ
India ... • •• 400 bales 1,20.000, 300 bsfles raw
United Kingdom • 400 „ 80,000. WO „ XfiQfiOO
India . 100 bale* SOfiOO
Dyed thirtingt—
India . . • 1,900 bale. 2,86,000 2,000 bales S&flOO
Red mad black Twilit—
India . • 100 bales S6j000
United Kingdom • ••• 100 „
Oiler tortt—
Iodtn Ml 25 bales 5,000 2300 biles WW
United Kingdom • •• ~ 1*400 * 1 SLSQflOOO
Yabh axd Twin . 2,810 bales 4,49,600
India . . 6,100 bales 7,66,000 ftMOW* ttffiK
Dbuos a»» llxmcmss 921 cwta. 13,170 •M
Turk®/ e •• •M 300 cwta 3,600 164 ewta
India • ••• 16 pkga £eob 42 case*
MvrobmUa— 6.400
■ India . 450 owta • M
Other sort*—
India . * 60 cwta 1,800 486'cVtsi MW>
70 „
190 „
Tnrkay •