Page 562 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 562


                                             TABLB No. 23.

            Abitract table of imporli into all the porte specified in tie Persia» Gulf during the yean 1806, 1696, and 1697
                                            1885.             1694.              1897.
            Principal article* and principal  oo trio*
                  from which Imported.
                                       Quantity.  r*w   Quantity.  Valuo.  Quantity.  ▼■lue.
                                                    It               6                  *
            Affix A LI                            K990
              Turkey                                                10.820             14.610
              Mwkit                                                  8.800              6.760
              Arab Contt                                             8.140              6.410
              Nejd .                                       ess       3.420   •so
              Pen ion Polte                                           760              11,760
            ArrissL, wbaeixo •   «                CWO
              India .    .                                          39.200             37,050
              United Kingdom •   .                                  19,300             2H.600
              Mas tat                                               12,000              3,050
             France   .   .   .                                      2.200               300
              Tertian Ports                                          1.260              3,800
            AlMSAffD AXXOffITlOKS .              13^6,740
              Uuitrd Kingdom .                                    10,70 826          21.55,ICO
              France   •   •   .                                   9,60.825            26,340
              Mai t at   ,   .                                     2,02,876           2.97,730
             Bahrein   ,   •                                        67,745            1,87,830
              Tertian Potts                                         63,130   IM        90,350
             Turkey   ,   .   .                                     27 000               100
              India .   «   .                                       14,946             2S.180
                  ....                                                                1,26,000
            POOKS AffD PBIKTED X ATT KB           63,630
              India .  ■ .                                          59,600             64,850
              Persian Toits .   .                                                       3,COO
              United Kingdom .                                      32,100             35,250
              Egypt ....                                                                8.000
              Turkey ...                                             3.600               700
              France ....                                            1.600              3,0«0
             Germany ...                                                                 20}
            BuiLDIffO UATBBIAU                    15,860
              Zanzibar ...                                          16,000
              Persian Ports   .                                     10,2>0             10,950
              Turkey                                                 7,3v>0             5.800
              India ....                                             1,950              2.300
            Cahdus                                95,940                     • M
              United Kingdom                                        84.745             66,780
              Belgium                                               49,480             12,230
              India .   .                *eea     MS                20,133             18,430
              Persian Porta                                          1,600              2,400
            C a nr as (con n try)                 90,000
              Persian Porta                                         30,000
              Babrein   .                                            6,000
              India .   .
            Cattlb .                             1,36.690
              Perrian Porta                                        1,11,760           M9.340
              Turkey                                                 2.07C              1,810
            Con* .                               8^2,370
              India .                                              6,45,840           6,60,220
              Persian Porta                                        2,00,000           2.26,850
             CoiB AffD COZB BOP1                 1,16.400                              eee
              India .                                      ese      80,100             88,866
              Pernan Ports                                          20.000             16,000
              Zanzibar   .                                           3,670              2,470
              Turkey   .                                                                 140
                                                                    • M
             COTTOJT PIBCB GOODS                1^7,64,020
              United Kingdom                                      67,37.600   MS    1,07,86,780
              India .                                             40.677050          39,62.660
              Persian Porta              •se      M*               2,66.770           2.17A#
              France                                                11,200              8,860
              Turkey   .                                             2,b00              6,«0
              Bahrein                             bs»                2,OX)              2.000
              M^skat   •                                             2,000              2,000
              Austria   •                         see                                   4.930
              Egypt .                                                                   6,070
              Germany   •                         • se                                   830
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