Page 567 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 567
Abstract table of importi into all lie ports specified in tie Persian Qulf during tie years 1895, 1896,
and 1697—ooncludetl.
1695. 1896. 1897.
Principal articles and principal oountrioa
(rum which Imported.
Quantity. Value. Qaantitj. Value. Quantity. Y&loo.
R R a
Tobacco . . • 2,28,900 • ••
Maskat • • 1.14.500 1,30.120
Persian Porta . 80,716 20,070
Arab Coast . • 27,000 83,000
India . . . 10,080 • •• 11,970
United Kingdom . 8,100 • •• 10,260
France . • 8,600
Turkish Arabia . 2,ICO
Tnrkej 250 2,600
Egjpt . ! 3,760
Watches add Clocks 18300
France . . 9,020 1,100
United Kingdom 4.015 10350
India . 1,300 9,160
Persian Porta 1.060
Tnrkoy • 320
Wool 10300
Turkey 11,760 133.820
Persian Porta 10,060 13.680
Woolbk Goods 4,7-MGO
India . 1,43,830 132.430
United Kingdom 89,870 29,320
Persian Porta 20,120 27,030
Turkey . ..* 20,250 28,680
Bahrein • 16,000 18.000
Arab Coast . 6,850 9,250
France . 1,020 3,060
Turkish Arabia 6.600
Articles hot specified AHOVB 4,58,100
India .... 78,689 62,688
Persian Porta . • 64,020 26,020
Marital ... 69,780 26,100
Turkey ... 14,600 9,140
Arab Coart . . • 6,000 6,000
Bahrein . . . 4,400 4,240
United Kingdom • 8,820 82,460
Zanzibar . . . 1300 2,000
E*ypt .... 9,600
France .... 1330 7,900
China .... 60 160
Sficie .... 2,42,08,030
India . . 22,02,340 3838330
Persian Ports • 19.09,386 16,83.070
Turkey 6,63,706 7,14.676
Maskat 1,10,300 136,660
Arab Coast . . • 65,000 42,000
Bahrein . . . ••• 36,760 1 54,850
United Kingdom . 6,250
Total or all Abtiolbs 4,99,19,070 4,10,96,018 4.7435,946
Total yalcb or imposts fbox ram
• cifal countries.
India 2,23.39,610 1.8636,727 13539360
United Kingdom 135,33,920 74,87.020 137,96,706
Persian Pons . 64,82,120 61,17366 6232,610
Arab Coast 2,02,180 37,10390 85,76.440
Bahrein and Arab Coast 3932,330
Tnrkey . 25,19.080 28,13,827 30.09,711
France . 17,02,977 1134330
European eountriea 9,37.480
Maskat . 6.37310 9*34.825 11,08310
Bahrein . 65,600 8,53,796 6,14.780
China . . , 1,44.870 66,366 1,76300
Zanzibar . • 69360 64,620 78.670
Austria . . , 61,495 34,140
Belgium . 65,640 12320
Russia . . 60300 35,980 12,000
Ssr :■ : : 26,020 • •• 3,420 1,69.690
Mauritius 2,982 • ••
Germany . , 500 81,690
Total *99,19,070 4,10.96.018 4,7435346