Page 570 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
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TABLE No. 24.
Abstract table showing lie total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that entered at
all the ports before specified on the Persian Gulf.
SaICIHO. Stkah. Total.
No. of No. of No. of
Tom. Tom. roseola. Tom.
1895 . 282 26.410 386 436.250 607 401,060
Britiab 1896 . 237 21,676 370 406,222 007 428.797
- 1897 . 231 21,487 303 322,624 684 344161
J89S . 380 10,604 12 13,889 808 30.458
Turkiah 1896 . 366 16,913 8 8.000 378 24,618
189T . 396 19,730 3 3,616 308 23,246
1896 . 1 004 1 094
Norwegian 1896 .
1897 .
1895 . 974 29,122 *974 29,122
Persian 1896 . 986 28,352 986 28.853
1897 . 1,017 29,658 1,047 29,668
1895 . 366 10.027 365 1Q>0*7
Moakai 1896 . 366 10,600 SGQ 10.CGO
1897 . 3G2 10,811 362 10,811
1895 .
•S 1897 . 701 19,009 • M 701 19,009
Arab . 1896 . 650 18,736 650 18,055
1S33 . 16 1.200 15 1A»
French 1E36 . 17 1,160 31 37.G07 •IS 33.767
1897 . 19 1.627 1 850 20 2,477
1595 . 5 4,993 6 4.993
■f IS37 . 1 1,926 1
German 1SS5 . 1,926
1695 . 1 696 1 696
Dutch IS'JS .
1S97 .
1895 .
i 1S97 . 1 335
Austrian J896 .
JS95 . 1 835 • M
American 1596 .
2597 . 1 918 1 918
1595 . 2,661 101,059 401 436,823 3,005 1 657531
Tout 5896 . 2,621 95,715 410 453,055 3,031 , 519,370
IS97 . 2,756 103,190 SOS 327,82-1 3,064 | 431.011
TABLE No. 25.
Abstract table sieving the total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that cleared
from all the ports before specified on the Persian Gulf.
Sail L.vo. Steam. Total.
No. of No. of No. of Tona.
roseola. Tom. resscla. Tons. Teasels.
1896 . 260 25,539 398,442 617 423.931
British 7836 . 229 22 360 357 374422 671 396.772
(lS9T . 217 21.418 2>2 297.733 499 1 319,181
flS35 . 351 13.898 14 17,169 366 31.066
Turkish - ISSW . 369 13.683 8 6,9>9 S77 20,67*2
(.1897 . 381 15,199 4 4,515 335 11*.314
1893 . 1 994 1 991
Norwegian - 1896 .
UM7 .
1835 . 958 28,318 953 23.318
Persian 1896 . 868 28,356
■ 868 28,366
1897 . 924 24,803 924 21,802
'.895 . 339 9.466 339 9,466
{ 1897 . 349 10,269 9,934
Maakat 1896 . 349 10,269
(■1896 . 347 17,234 3l7 17.234
Atah . 1896 . 619 18,947 619 16.947
(.1897 . 616 17,790 616 17,790
(1*95 . 16 1,200 16 1,200
French 1896 . 17 1,160 *22 24,173 39 25.333
(.1897 . 16 1,387 2 1.700 18 3.087
(1905 . 4,093 6 4*9*
German 1896 . 6 1 1,926 1 1,926
.1897 .
1*95 . • M
Austrian 1896 .
(.1897 . 1 835
1 835
1895 . 95.055 421.697 2.821 517,252
Total 1896 . 92,765 377 407.510 2.724 600,276
1897 . 90,500 373 3C4.SS3 2.6e9 395.443