Page 571 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 571


                                    TABLE No. M.
           Return of principal article» of export from Shir at during the years 1895, 1896, and 1997•

                                   189#.             2890.              107.
                               Quantity.  Valao.  Quantity,  Valus.  Quantity.  Vuluo.

                                          R                 R                  R
    Animals—                   476 head  70,170
      Horn* and mnleo                           242 head   62,430  97*boad    18,200
    Cotton (raw)   .          6,GOO baloa   1,83^30  6,000 bales  1,33,330  6,000 plrgts.  1.64,286
    Dmga and uiedicinos        400 cwta.  10.670                    4-
    Fruit* and regotablr
      Almonds  .   .          7.000  „  1.70.000   8.000 cwta.  2,00,000  15,GOO 0T7tn.  3,42^57
      Other kind*   .         1.000  H   1,66,700  2.000   „  16,600  4.500  „  15.000
    Gold and gold ooin         150 lbs.  1.60.000   120 lbs.  1,10,000  50 lbo,  46.000
    Gam ...                   10,0^0 CWtB.  1,00,000  600 pkgs.  10,000  2.500 ewts.   36,714
    Hide# and akin*          85.000 pkga.   66.670  40.000   „  26,670  70,000 Nos.  40.000
    Opium .   .   .           3,250 chcsta   41,16,670  3,200 cheats   29,86,660  3.500 boxes  30,00,000
                                                                  1.000 carbojf
    Perfumery (rosewater)   C 10,000 carboja   } 30,000  (3,000 cat boys   | 13,340   l  2,600 cases  67*557
                            (. 1,000 caaes
                                               ( 400 canon
    Seeds .   .   .           1,500 cwta.   15.000  2,000 cwto.  26,860  6.000 owto.  60.000
    Silk (raw)   .             250 bandies  68.340
    Silk, manufactures of      120 „      CO ,000  856 bundles   34.000   350 bales   6*4^86
    Tobacco   .   •           35,000 bale#   3,50,000 25.0C0 bags  3,76.000  30,000 bags  4,71,428
    Wool .                     1,500 cwt#.   35.000
     Woollen pood# (carpets)   2,700 bale#  9,00,000  2,500 pbgs.  8,33,340  4,000 pkgs.  13,7*1,429
    Other article#                        66.G70           80.000             1,50,000
                    Total               63,93,190         48,98,000          68,16,057
                                    TABLE No. 27.
           Return of principal articlci of import into Shiraz during the years 1895, 1896, and 1897.

                                    1895.             189fl.             1897.
                               Quantity.  Value,  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.

                                          R                 R                  &
   Arm# and ammunition         150 ease#  75,000
   Gun#   ...                                     50 cases  25,COO  420 cases   2,26,286
   Cartridge#                                                      110         12,571
   Candles  .   .   .         3,700 cases   39,470  3,000 cases   27,500  3.500   99 „  25.000
   Coffee   .   .   .          300 cwts.   10,000  250 ctvls.   8.?30  500 cwts.   15.714
   Cotton pood#  .   .        67,000 bales  1,22,83,310  35,000 bales  68,33,310  4,200 bale#  59.70.265
   Thread and twist            400        46.070  120 n     1G.000  250        32.143
   Drugs and medicine# .       650 cases   1.08,340  60 cases   10,000  550 cases   47.143
   Glass and glassware .       150 „      15.000   100 „   10.0C0  350 „       35.000
   Gold embroidered cloth       10 bales   8,340   16 pkga.   10,000  « „      25.714
   Gold lacc and thread .       25 cases  8,340   40 cases  13.330  20 „       10,080
   Hardware and cutlery         46  n     7,670  200       20.000  750 „       6^,671
   Indigo   .   .              650  n    3.16.670  450  ft ,»  1,60,000  340 bales   84.800
   Liquors, wines, and *-pirit«   700     58.340  600  **  40.000  580 cases   43.143
    Copper   .                8,500 owta.   3,54,170  5.000 cwts.   2.50.000  6.000 owts.  3.00. 000
     Iron •       §            7CO „      8,760  l.COO „   12.000   4.000  „   48.714
     Tin   •   .   .           300 „      12.000   350 „   23,310   310 „      12.485
    Bras#  •   .   ;. rr\      260 „      WW    200 „      10,000  440 „       26,972
    Other sorla .              400 „      16,000
   Oil# (kerosine) .          3.000 cases  30.000  6.000 oases   46^670  4.500 cases   88.671
   Porcelain r.nd China-ware   900   „    45.000   600 „   36.000  420 „       24.000
   Bilk, manufactures of       ISO bales  43.3 W  30 pkgs.   16.000  35 bales   30.000
   8pioea   .   .   ,         6.000 cwts.  1.40.000  6,100' owts.  1.70.000  6.600 owts.
   8u                                                                         2,22,857
     ELT .                    22.000 „   3,81.330  18.000  „   3.00. 000  9.000 cases  2.05,714
     Crushed                  30.000  ,,  4.60.000  12,000 bags.  2.00. 000  13.500 bags
   Tea       .                16.000 cases   9,00,000  9,000 chests.   5.10.000  12,000 cases  2,30.000
   Woollen goods ,              100 bundles  33.W0  75 pkgs.  37,600  160 pkzs.   85.714
   Other articles .                      2A-8.330         1.40.000  1,400 „   1.00. 000
                    Total               1.65,07,780       79,14,010          85,12,600
   566   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576