Page 569 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 569

                        AND MASKAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1897-98.
                                   TABLE No. M.
          Return tf principal arliclet of export from Bhirat during the yean 1895, 1896, and 1997•  I

                                   IBM.              1899.
             Article.                                                       Value.
                              Quantity.  ▼alua.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.
                                         R                  R
    Anirual*—                 475 bead   70,170                               1*8,200
     Hor»r« and mulos                           2-12 head   62,430  97 boad  1,64,286
    Cotton (raw)   •         6,600 baloo   1,83)330  6,000 balco  1,33.330  6,000 pkgo.
    Drag* and medicines        400 cwt*.  10.670
    Fruit* and vegetable-
     Almonda  .   .           7.000  „   1.70.000   8.000 cwta.  2.00,000  15.000  ovrtn.   3,42^57
     Other kind*              L'OO „    1.66,700  2.000   „  16,660  4^00     45.000
    Gold and gold eoin         150 lbs.  1.60.000   120 lbe.  1,10,000  50 lba.  35,714
    Gum . .  .   .           10.000 cwts.  1,00,000  600 pkge.  10.000  2.500 ovrtn.  •10,000
    Hides and skins          85.000 pkgs.   66.670  40.000   „  26,670  70.000 Nod.
    Opium .   •   ,           3,250 chests  41,16,670  3,200 chests   29,86,660  3.500 boxen   30,00,000
                            f 10,000 carbojs   ; 3,000 carboye   1,0^0 carboy*   67,867
    Perfumery (rosewater)   (. 1,000 cases   } 30,000  [ 400 eared   | 13,340   1  2,600 casco i }
    Seeds .   •   •           1,500 cwta.   15.000  2,000 cwtd.  26,860  6,000 owta.  60.000
    Silk (raw)   .             250 bandies   68,310
    Silk, manufactures of      120 ,     CO,(XX)  856 bundles   3-1,000  150 bales   64^86
    Tobacco   . •            35.000  bales   3,50,000 25.0C0 bags  3,76.000  30,000 bogo  4,71,428
    Wool .                    1,500 cwls.   35.000
    Woollen goods (carpets)   2,700 boles  9,00,000  2,500 pkgs.  8,33,340  4,000 pkgs.  13,71,429
    Other articles                       66,670            80,000            1,60,000
                   Total                63,93,190        48,98,090           68,16,057

                                    TABLE No. 27.
           Return of principal articles of import into Shiraz during the years 1895t 1896, and 1897.

                                    1835.             1899.              1687.
                               Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  Value.

                                          ft                R                  R
   Arms aud ammunition         160 cases  75.000
   Guna ...                                      60 cases  25,COO  420 cases  2,26,286
   Cartridges .                                                    110  n      12,571
   Candles .   .   .          3,700 cases   39,470   3,000 cases   27,500  3,500   „  25.000
   Co(F«-e ...                 300 cwta.   10,000   250 cwta.   8.?30  500 cwta.   16.714
   Cotton poods .   .        67,000 bales   1,22,83,310   35,000 bales   68,33,310  4,200 bales  59,70.365
   Thread and l wist           400  »•    4 6/»70  120 „   16,000  250         32.143
   Drugs and medicines .       650 cases   1.08.. "40  60 cases   10,000  650 cases   47.143
   Gla>s and glassware .       150        15.000   100 „   10.0C0  350 „       ?5j000
   Gold embroidered cloth       10 bales   8,340   16 pkgs.   10,000  « „      25.714
   Gold lace and thread .       25 esses  8,340   40 oases  13.330  20 „       10.080
   Hardware and cutlery         46 *»     7,670  200  rt   20.000  750 „       63.671
   Indigo .   .                650  M    2.16,670  450 »»  1,60,000  340 bales   84.800
   Liquors, wines, and ►pints   700  M    68.340  600  n   40.000  580 cases   43.143
    Copper                    8,500 owta.   3,54,170  5.000 cwta.   2.50.000  6.000 cwts.  3.00. 000
    Iron ...                   7EO „      8,760  l.COO w   12.000   4.000  „   48.714
    Tin ...                    300 n      12.000   350 „   23,310   310 „      12.485
    Brass ...                  V60 „      8,310  200 „     10,000  440 „       26,972
    Other sorts .   .          400 „      16.000
   Oils (Lerosine) .          3.000 cases  30.000  6.000 oases   46.670   4,500"cases   38.671
   Porcelain r.nd China-ware   900   „    45.000   600 „   36,(XX)   420 „     24.000
   Pilk, manufactures of       150 bales  43.310  30 pkgs.   16,000  35 bales   10.000
   8pioes ...                 6.000 cwts.  1.40.000  6,100' owls.  1.70.000  6.600 cwta.  2.22,857
                              22,000 M   3.81.330  18.000  ..   3.00. 000  9.000 cases   2.05.714
    Crushed                   30.000  „  4.60.000  12,000 bags.  2.00. 000  13,500 bags   2.30.000
   Tea                        16.000 cases   9.00. 000  9,000 chests.   6.10.000  12,000 ex sea  6,17,143
   Woollen goods .   •          100 bundles  33.340  75 pkga.  37,600  160 pkga.   85.714
   Other articles .                      2.08.330         1,40,000  1,400 „   1.00. 000
                    Total               1.65.07,780       79,14,010          85,12,600
   564   565   566   567   568   569   570   571   572   573   574