Page 572 - PERSIAN 4 1890_1899
P. 572


                                Part IV.-TRADE 8TATISTIOS POE 1897-98.

                        The total trade for the year is returned at $5,372,000 as against
                    $4,788,800 for the preceding year, showing an incroaso of $588,200.
                        The returns inoluding specie show an increase of $658,000 in imports as
                    compared with the figures of the previous year. With the exception of a
                     slight decrease under the head of piece goods, almost everjr head shows a
                     remarkable increase; rico from India and arms and ammunition from the
                     United Kingdom and France contributing chiefly towards it.
                         In the case of exports, although dates, fruit, fish, etc., show an increase,
                     there is a remarkable decrease uoder the heads of cloth and Balt, and a con­
                     siderable fall under the head of specie which is duo to the fall in exchange of
                         The customs were farmed by Sbett Rattansee Purshottam for $1::5,000,
                     hut a fortnight before the expiration of the annual contract the customs were
                     sold to a ring of Outchee Banians for $140,000. A week afterwards, however,
                     they reverted to Battansee foe the sum of $170,000 which amount was sub­
                     sequently reduced to $140,000 in consequence of the anticipated loss to the
                     customs from the agreement made between the British, Persian, and Maskat
                     Governments for the suppression of the export of arras and ammunition from
                     Ifaskat to Indian and Persian ports.
                                                      C. G. F. FAGAN,
                                      Political Agent and Her Britannia Majesty** Consul,
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