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          subsidies by giving moro to tho headmen over whoso lands tho telegraph line
          actuallv passes, and less to tho Chiefs. It was found that in tho case of Geb,
          for instance, tho Chief, who received Rs. 3,000 a year, did little or nothing to
          protect the line, which runs through the property of various smaller men. It is
          hoped that the new arrangements will result in tho lesser Chiefs considering
          themselves personally responsible for the safety of the line, which passes over
          their land, as well as for that of the telegraph employes and other Europeans
          who may have to go there. A Baluchi Chief, named Mow)adad Khan, who baa
          been appointed by tho Persian Government as the Baluchi Governor of the
          district in place of Husein Khan, the Chief of Geh, as I have already men­
          tioned, met Mr. Scaly at Charbar, when arrangements were made for the
          payment of claims of British Indian traders.
              Mir Abdi Khan, of Daslitiari, who gave so much trouble last year, and
          who repeatedly threatened to attack Charbar, was seized by the Persians and
          removed to the interior of Persia. The present District Officer, Mowladad
          Khan, is a near relation of Abdi Khan, and ho has made the release of the latter
          a condition for the payment of our claims, he, on his part, guaranteeing
          Abdi Khan’s good behaviour in future. The matter is now being considered
          by the Legation.

                                    10.—SLAVE TRADE.

              Little has been done in the way of seizing slave dhows during the past
          year, only one vessel was taken by the “Sphinx” in June 1S93, and she had
          io bo subsequently released oa enquiry.
             There has been a good deal of correspondence regarding the manumission
          of slaves, and 1-i persons applied to this Residency for manumission during tho
          past year. Some of tho applications are still under consideration. We are
          also arranging for the return of freed slaves to Africa.


              No piracies took place on British Indian vessels during the year under
          •report. This was chiefly due to the special measures adopted by the Govern­
          ment of India in stationing a gunboat iu the Shat-el-Arab during the date-sea­
          son, wlicu the Indian craft come up to buy dates.
              Owing to these measures, the Turkish and Persian authorities appear to
          have also stirred themselves, and special patrolling parties were organised for the
          tafety of the river, with good rosults.

                                    12.—ROYAL NAVY.
              During the early part of the year H. M. S. “ Sphinx ” and " Eedbre«jf£ »»
          were in the Gulf. Both these ships left the Gulf in Mav, the former for
          Karachi and the latter for Trincomalee, H. M. S."Lapwing" taking their
          place. The “ Sphinx ” returned to the Gulf in June, and remained until Octo­
          ber, when, on beirg relieved by H. M. S. " Fig eon” she left for Bombay for
          casual repairs. From Bombay she again came up in December, and   was on
          the station up to tho close of the year.
              ■nie “ Redbreast ” returned to the Gulf in October, and was placed on
          special duty in the Shat-el-Arab during the date-season.
              Rear-Admiral Douglas, Naval Commander-in-Chief, East Indies   Station,
          came up the Gulf, in February last, in his flagship tha “ Eclipse”   For many
          years past no large men-of-war have entered the Gulf.

                                13.—OFFICIAL CHANGES.
              Site?, K™ S'”0""1 “• *• ** ™                      confirmed in the
                                         on the 10th March 1S9S, and there have
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