Page 157 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 157
Wednesday - (out of order) [2 February]
Went a walk in afternoon to the Palace & then to Municipal Garden - really a piece of land with a few date trees that hopes
some day to become a garden. Holmes came in afterwards and later Parke & Robinson came to dinner. Afterwards played
Bridge. Robinson hopes to go by the next mail & is delighted at the idea - he doesnt care for the place & his men are very
Friday 4th [February]
Went a walk in the morning. Very muddy owing to the rain, streets in the bazaar deep in slush & many shops shut. Returned
past the Mosque el Juma which was crammed, it is just along the shore between us & the town & is the fashionable Friday
mosque, the Iman, one Shaikh Abdel Latif is one of the leading religious lights of the town & I fancy a possible successor to
the old Sunni Quadi. Painted after an early lunch & then went to the Agency for tea & tennis followed by Bridge. Mrs Barrett
went back to Bushire with the PR to see her sister & Barrett seems rather bored - surprising.