Page 158 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 158
Saturday 5th [February]
Joint Court, Shaikh Sulman, the Shaikh's eldest son, came instead of his father who went to Muharraq. I had Mohamed b.
Abdulla a pig like person son of Shaikh Abdulla. He was very bored at being kept so long on the Court. Had a talk about the
attitude of the Quadi. Rained again & the rain came into the house. Barrett & de Grenier to dinner, de G as usual very lavish
in compliments. Played Bridge, de G plays badly - leads from a singleton in no trumps. Wrote several letters.
Sunday 6th [February]
Office in morning. Went a walk in afternoon to Abdel Zayanis garden. We met him there & had a look at it & he sent us back
in his car.
Monday 7th Feb.
Tennis mission. Forgot to write diary so can remember nothing.