Page 29 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 29
room, about 50 feet long & about 20 wide, some nice carpets. Really a lovely room & very cool. Drank sherbert &
coffee, usual style. Walked back.
Tuesday [4th May]
Spent most of the afternoon opening & arranging the two cases of wedding presents, books etc. & the gramophone,
which we finally got from the customs. The Dalys came in after dinner & listened to the gramophone. It sounds very
well, such a nice tone & two dozen double sided records, perhaps a pity that I didnt get more.
Wednesday [5th May]
Am writing back so cant remember much about what I did. Slept all the afternoon as rather tired, & so didnt go out
in the afternoon.
Thursday [6th May]