Page 31 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 31
didnt play as I hurt my heel slightly on the hard coral wading yesterday. All the usual collection there except Spences
& Major Holmes. It transpired that Spence called on Daly & they had a real talk, not mincing matters. Holmes is the
person who spreads gossip here, he repeats everything that the Spences say to the Dalys - & I expect vice versa, really
a thoroughly mischievous man - I don't much care for him & I distrust him. He is trying to be in favour with everybody
in order to further his oil concessions & his contracts for the company which he represents. Quite warm, but I don't
really mind it.
Saturday 8th May
Spence called in the morning & was perfectly amiable & polite. Had a Court before breakfast, dull little cases mostly
small debts. Late at the office as when there is a Court there is less time for work, & really there is a lot to do. My
clerk, who was away sick, came back, much to my relief. After tea we went out a walk through the gardens at the
back of the fort. It looked awfully pretty out there, then back in order to fix up things for a dinner party, Mr & Mrs
Hakken, & Miss Dalenburg, Missionaries, & Pickering, the bank manager. The Ds came 20 minutes late as the mission
have their own ideas of time - awkward as it did the dinner no good. Not as "sticky" a party as we expected.
Pickering made comic remarks all the time. He's an unmitigated idiot but quite a help on these occasions. Sat
outside after dinner & listened to the gramophone. The missionaries neither drink, smoke, or play cards. Very close
in the evening, absolutely not a breath of air. M felt the heat very much. They stayed till 11.30 & drank three large
jugs full of lemonade. Servants are very dear here, ours come to 118 rupees per month - a rupee being about 1/6.