Page 47 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 47




          Diving Court in the morning, not many cases.  Daly came to the office afterwards.  Hot day, temperature 102  after
          lunch on the veranda, but dry heat, not a bit damp.  Arabic lesson after tea, M played tennis at the Spences.  To
          dinner with Haj Abdel Rahman at Zayani, a rich pearl merchant who has a big house outside the town by the sea, a
          most pleasant entertainment.  We motored there with the Dalys.  On arrival sat outside the house on a sort of terrace
          carpeted with mats & cushions round the side.  The Spences, Pickering, Holmes, & de Grenier, Abdel Aziz Kuseiley,
          the Sheikh of Rafaa & some others made the party.  Mrs Spence wore evening dress!  Not the correct costume.  She
          had never before been to a native dinner! she giggled & gesticulated over much.  The dinner was in the big "Meglis"
          room, a really noble room, & cool.  As a concession to the others they had a table & chairs - I was rather sorry - but no
          knives & forks - three whole lambs, beautifully cooked & innumerable dishes, really most excellent food.  After dinner
          we returned to the terrace & sat there for some time drinking coffee & talking.  Sat next to Sheikh Mahmud, a
          pleasant man who talked of silugis & hunting, he offered me a silugi puppy - I should rather like one.  Afterwards
          went a motor drive with the Dalys.  The hosts little daughter & son appeared, very nice little children, the girl a tiny
          thing with enormous black eyes dressed exactly as a grown up woman would dress.  The host is a very nice fellow,
          rather dark with evident negro blood, & said to be very touchy on that account.  Cool breeze in the evening refreshing
          after such a very hot day.

          Friday [4th June]
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