Page 49 - Belgrave Diaries(N)_Neat
P. 49
Court from 7 till 9.30 a lot of cases. Very busy morning so was very late getting back to lunch, not till after 2 pm.
After tea we went out in the Land Dept. car, saw the surveyors at work mapping various gardens, & then drove to
the garden of an old man who lives near the Portugese fort who has been a tenant of the Sheikh's for fifty years.
They all want me to go out & see the gardens now hoping that I will let them off some of the rent. A pleasant place
on the sea shore. Here the gardens grow right down to the shore. Sat & ate fruit in a little shelter on carpets & then
walked round the gardens - quite nice, but one cant compare these ones with gardens at Siwa, here there is much
less variety of fruit. The driver drove badly & bumped us into a tree & M hit her forehead on the car, but nothing
serious. Pretty drive back in the dusk through several villages where we saw all the people at evening prayer in the
Monday [7th June]
The Sheikh came in the morning but no Court as Daly went on board the boat to see off Mrs Daly. I just managed to
see her to say good bye. The Sheikh stayed over two hours in the office & I made him go over all the State accounts
for the last month - he took quite an interest in them - as well he ought to! Naturally he takes more interest in his
private accounts though. Settled a good many things with him which I had wanted for some time to discuss. Holmes
came in, he stays so long always which is a nuisance. After tea walked up to the spring & the new Palace which is
coming on well, it will be a big place & costs over a lack of rupees. There is a long avenue of newly planted trees
leading up to it. Daly & Holmes came up in a car while we were there looking at it. Came back & changed, Dr &
Geake came to dinner. Afterwards played Bridge - they are pleasant fellows, both of them. The new house is getting