Page 437 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 437
A tabular statement of the rates of mule hire from Bushire, which in
general reflects the state of the security of the routes, is appended.
This institution continued its work with difficulty, and was eventually
obliged to close down temporarily owing
Church Missionary Socioty.
to lack of personnel. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton left for England in January, being relieved by Mr. Biddlecombe
from Ispahan, who was replaced by the Rev. J. H. Linton in April, The
latter however returned to Ispahan in September and was not replaced. No
attempt was made to disturb the work of the institution.
Three letters of manumission were obtained during the.year and the
siqtos. holders sent to Bushire.
These were unfortunately somewhat numerous, although there were no
travellers for pleasure. The annexed
table gives the names of the travellers*
with, in several cases, (9 out of 21) the date and place of their robberies :—
Place of
Name of traveller. Date of robbery. RkKAT.KB.
Mr. Pettigrew, I.E.T.D., January. Bashire-Shiraz.
aud tarnily.
Miss Bigg6 and Miss February. Shiraz-Bushire.
Stevcnson-M oore,
?.lr. and Mrs. Clifton, February. Shiraz-Bushire.
Dr. Pugin (travelling in February. Shiraz-Yezd.
alizarine dyes)
Mr. Gentleman of
Ziegler's. } February. Bushire-Shiraz.
Mr. N. Smith, I.B.P.
Mr. Wilkinson, I.B.P. February. Shiraz-Bushire.
Mr. Gentleman of 17th March Kursbool Ispahan. Intended to proceed to
Ziegler's. 1909. road. Ispahan, robbed of all his personal
property end returned to Shiraz.
Rev. J. II. Linton, 29th March Qadirabad- Ispahan-Shiraz by post waggon.
CALS., with Armenian 1909. Ispahan Looted apparently by villagers.
Cletk. road.
Mr. J. C. Smith. I.E.-T.D.. 13th April Near Employed on inspection of Borasjun-
1909. Behbeban Ahwaz line.
Mr. Wilkinson, I.B.P. April. Bushire-Shiraz.
Ditto May. Shiraz-Bushire.
M. Lebovici, Alliance May. Shiraz-Bushire.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaacson, J une. Shiraz-Dehbid.
Mr. Messervy, I.B.P. J une. Shiraz-Y ezd. Had to pro
ceed via Abadeh, Narrowly escaped
robbery near Dehbid.
M. Kadloubousky 10th June Konartakh- This was not strictly a case of robbery
1909. teh. but the party were fired on at long
range and M. Kadloubousky'a horse
was hit just behind the rider's leg,
Mr. J.C. Smith, I.E.T/D.. Mian Kotal June. Bashire-Shiraz. A mule
load of opium was carried off from
a Persian accompanying the caravan,
which was fired on near Mian Kotal!
Mr G. Middleton, I.B.P.. 16th August Pul-i-Khan Shiraz-Ispahan by post waggon!
Robbed and struck by Nafar tribes
Mr. Wright \ 18th August R&fainjan
Mr. James, I.E.T.D. J 1909. Kennan-Ispahan. This robbery _ I
committed by Fare tribesmen,
apparently Ainallu and Baharlo, of
the Khamseh tribes.