Page 483 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 483

POLITICAL RESIDENCY FOR 1009.               73
                Whether the allowances were ever paid or not seems difficult to ascer­
            tain, but they do not appear to have been very efficacious and, shortly after
            tiie close of the year under report, the allowances were officially stopped
                In April 3 Bedouins were killed by Katifis, but owing to the prompt
            action of the Mutassarif in sending mediators, trouble was averted on the
            payment of 2,400 reals blood-money to the relations.
                Two or three times during the course of the year Turkish officials came
            from Basrah to take a census of the Katif date palms. As no finality seems
            to be arrived at it would appear that these officials take bribes to underesti­
            mate the number of trees with the result that no fresh tax can be fairly
                Owing to a good date and pearl season there was improvement in th8
            general condition, though I am afraid it will take some time before the losses
            of date palms in the previous year’s fighting can be recovered.
                Mahir Pasha was Mutassarif in Hasa from January to August, Seyyid
            Arif Beg from September to December, while Saad Beg came about the middle
            of December. Seyyid Arif Beg was most popular and seemed to be a strong
            man. A petition was sent to Basrah for his retention, and on his departure
            he was escorted by a large number of friends to Ojair.
                In Katif there were even more changes of the Kaimmakam post. The
            incumbents were Rahim Effendi from January to April, Aoni Effendi from
            May to November, Abbas Effendi for a few days and Izzat Beg till the end of
            the year.
                                             C. F. MACKENZIE, Captain, I.A.,
                                                        Political Agent, Bahrain.

                                         Civil Cate*.
                                     DlSrOSED OP 'WITHOUT          Referred
                                        ■WITNESSES.                 to SaUIa
                                                      Referred   Referred   (Court to
                     Parties.      Claims            to Mcdjlias. to Kozi.  settle cases   Total.
                                  admitted  Claims                 of divert
                                    and  withdrawn.  Total.          and
                                   settled.                        Nakhadas).
            Both parties British      4            4
            British and Bahrain      50     4     54     13                  4
            British and foreigner    27     3     30     15     1            67
            Bahrain and foreigner   374    217   591     20    17     92
            Both parties foreigners  270    90   360     51    15      3    429
                          Total     725    314  1,039    99    33     95   1,266

                                        Criminal Caret.

                                     Da posed or
                                  ETTHOCT SK00&DI5O    Triod  loves t>*
                                                             gated by  Referred
                     Parties.                   Total.  Indian  joint  to SuL
                                                       Penal  Court.       Total.
                                   Charge  Case com­   Code.
                                  withdrawn.  promised.
             Both parties British    1             1
             British and Bahrain     2       2     4      3                   4
             British and foreigner           2     2            7            11
             Bahrain and foreigner   14     61     75           8      2     12
             Both parties foreigners  18    75    93           35     28    138
                          Total      35    140    175  : 3      75    57    310
   478   479   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488