Page 484 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 484


                                       KUWAIT, FOR THE YEAR 1909.

                          The year 1909, though remarkable for an abnormally hot summer, as
                                                     much as 116-9° being registered as the
                              Climato and Rainfall.
                                                     maximum shade temperature for the 31st
                       July, appears fortunately to have ended the last two years’ drought as good
                       rain fell during the last two months. The Bedouin tribes suffered severely
                       from famine, numbers of their live-stock having died from starvation, and
                       others sold in Kuwait for very low prices to obtain food.
                           Latest reports from the desert give encouraging accounts of the growth
                       of fodder.
                          An extract prepared from the Agency daily meteorological reports is
                           During the year Shaikh Mobarak’s vigorous administration has continued
                                                     in maintaining excellent law and order
                                 Local affairs.
                                                     iin the town.
                           For some years the Kuwait shroffs have been depreciating the Indian
                       rupee by refusing to exchange it at its full value of 64 copper pice, against
                       which the exchange rate of dollars is calculated. The fact was brought to
                       the Shaikh’s notice by some well-to-do pearl merchants returning from Bom­
                       bay, whereupon he at once took action, had all the money-changers beaten,
                       confiscated part of their capital and issued orders prohibiting the rate of ex­
                       change for rupees falling below 64 pice.
                           During the year the Shaikh has also had all weights and measures in the
                       bazaars examined and shopkeepers found using incorrect substitutes were
                           Mr. Kemp, the only European in the Shaikh’s employ, in July resigned
                       his post as Chief Engineer of the Shaikh’s steam yacht, his duties being now
                       in the hands of two Arabs, formerly his firemen.
                           Visits were paid to Kuwait during the year by Shaikh Khazal of
                                                     Mohammcrah in October, and in Decem­
                          Visit of Shaikh Haraed-al-KIali/a.
                                                     ber by Shaikh Hamed-bin-Esa-al-
                       Khalifa accompanied by his younger brother Abdullah and Shaikh Ibrabim-
                       bin-Khalid with a following of about 100 men. After a few days’ stay in
                       Kuwait, the latter party went out hawking and were met by the Political
                        Agent in the course of his tour. After about a fortnight they left for
                       Bahrain overland against Shaikh Mobarak’s advice. It is said Shaikh
                       Mobarak gave the young Chiefs and their followers costly presents in
                        clothes to the value of some $4,000 besides entertaining the whole party during
                       their visit and providing them with transport and food for their journey to
                       Jazirat-al-Amayir, whence his yacht took them to Bahrain.
                           Many Bedouin Shaikhs have visited the Political Agent during the
                        year, among them being Ma’ana-ibn-Juma, Shaikh of the Athain Ajman,
                        Mitni-ibn-Hilal of the Thaffir, Aghab-bin-Ghanaim of the Jiblan Umtair,
                        Jafrara and Haif-al-Fugam of the As Sabah Umtair, Muhammad-bin-
                        Sultan-ad-Dawish, Muhammad-ibn-Athnain of the Sbi’a, Fahaid-al-Fahuma
                        of the Awazim and many others.
                           Owing to scarcity of food and fodder comparative tranquillity has boon
                                                      the feature of Nejd politics in the past
                                  Nej-J Affair#.
                                                      year, excepting small raids of which
                                                      some are noted below.
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