Page 504 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 504


                      His relations with the Turks were, on the whole, unsatisfactory; ho
                  started well with the new Wali, Suleiman Nathif Bey, but the latter was a
                  schemer and hostile to Mubarak at hcrat, and the latter’s friendly overtures
                  only resulted in attempts on the part of the Wali to trick him into acceptance
                  of the Turkish nationality. The Wali’s patriotic ambitions however soon car­
                  ried him too far and it was not long before he fell, as the result partly of his
                  active hostility towards the Shaikh of Mohammerah and partly of his un­
                  satisfactory relations with Nazim Pasha, Wali of Baghdad, Nathif Bey
                  had been in journalism before taking diplomatic office; and, on his retire­
                  ment from Basrah, applied himself in writing up in the papers the burning
                  questions of the north of the Gulf from the “ Young Turk ” point of view.
                      After a probationary visit of some months from Dr. Bennett, the establish­
                  ment of a medical branch of the American Ajabian Mission was agreed to by
                  Shaikh Mubarak on the compliance of the Mission with certain conditions
                  satisfactory to the Shaikh and the British Government.
                      In connection with the arms traffic, Shaikh Mubarak's attitude during
                  the year showed some improvement and was not unsatisfactory on the whole.
                  It is true he gave some trouble in regard to a dhow belonging to Messrs.
                   Goguver of Maskat, which had brought up some 3C£) Gras rifles under the
                  French flag, but, in view of the presence of the Tricolour and the probability
                  that his action would mean a difficult exchange of communications with
                   Goguyer or the French authorities, the fact that the Shaikh ultimately did
                   what we wanted, was a matter for some satisfaction.
                      According to'the Political Agent, the retail sale of arms in Kuwait ha^
                   now absolutely ceased under the Shaikh’s order, and a certain quantity of arms
                   end ammunition which he was allowed to order up from Maskat for his own
                   use, represents the whole import for the year.
                      The Shaikh has been somewhat disturbed during the latter part of the
                   year by the newspaper discussion of the affairs of the Middle East which has
                   been going on and which has included a good deal of talk regarding the status
                   of Kuwait: but he has been very philosophical and sensible on the whole, re­
                   lying implicitly on the protective value of his relations with the British
                   Government, and their determination to act up to them.
                                                     P. Z. COX, Lieutenant-Colonel,
                                                   Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.

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