Page 508 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 508
bj levying “octroi” on produce coming into town from up-country; the pro
ceeds, however, were promptly converted by the Kalantar of Bushire to his own
use. It contemplated an extensive scheme of repairs to the bazaars and pub
lic thoroughfares and the lighting of the streets, and it also attempted to regu
late the price of bread and meat in the local bazaars by the establishment of
municipal shops selling at cheap prices, other butchers and bakers being for
bidden to sell higher. Few of the above schemes, however, matured and the
net result was a slight cleaning up of the streets and a distinct increase in the
price of the commodities above-mentioned
Local Police.—The local police of Bushire, some 30 men, before controlled
by the Kalantar were, on the arrival of the new Rais-i-Nazmieh from Tehran,
placed under the orders of that official. As already stated above, he found
considerable difficulty in raising the funds necessary for their maintenance
and is said to be contemplating the levy of a tax on opium and 4 arrak * in
order to do so. His arrival was viewed with the greatest disfavour by the
Kalantar who foresaw the loss of the many perquisites accruing to the office
of the " Chief of Police ” hitherto held by himself.
Local Garrison.—The local forces at the disposal of the Governor at the
beginning of the year were supposed to bo—
500 Infantry,
150 Artillery men,
100 Sowars;
that is to say, these were the numbers for which payment was made by the
Central Government. Not half, however, were ever enrolled, and those that
the Mt,- £ne'aDCfS and the speedy removal of the Sarbazes,
Tehran fn nnt» pC^d.tbat thev bad received permission by telegram from
se‘tl«?mp*it nf anc^'v?re going to act on that permission pending
their Chief th ^ c.a!Ps’. lbc.v accordingly did, leaving Bushire with
thrnr Cmef, the Amir Panj, during the middle cf August.
thpir ^_usyre ^or a similar reason, viz., noa-payment of
arranged by ffisExXfcythe 00“™°^' A COm*)roraise 'vas cventUally
Bushire and the surrounding districts.—Local tribal conditions in tbe dis-
tricts surrounding Bushire were the cause
Condition of Country.
neriods during considerable anxiety at different
in* more than Vdescont on Bushire similar to that of 1909 be-
feud existin* Thc Pnmar.V cause of the trouble was the
chMnlZt^!l^iD Chabl>utai and his brother, the latter
be given them }\v *° S 0Ij^lU Tawib Tul-i-Ashki aud Kanar Abadi should
waf backed hvB,i n,m: l-he f<?fmer declining to do so. Shaikh Hussein
by Zair Khadhar rhiJ3 w6ie the cause of the brothers was espoused
Husi n on th. nn3 f °/ ?aQglsUn’ who "'as already at feud with Shaikh
Chief of Tan{nstin0nJ}f-lh]! !iUf)P°rt glven by tbe lattcr to Hyder Khan, ex-
present Chief8 In had 66611 driven frora bis territories by the
of his brothers 5 k r? °°urse. of }he feud Shaikh Hussein killed one
26th July within at«^iname’ ln °°W blood and hostilities started on the
who were assisted Vi^i!lla8e/?f Chaghadak by *3 other brothers
took tbe field in np^Za-tl^#adbar' °D tbe 9tb August the Darya Begi
of a kind took 3 f<?ceI of iw.° &uns and some 150 men. Fighting
Bushire The <vnvW and tbe br2n2 could be distinctly heard from
iSm£edat;^f ‘D°Tleuh,i JIkhani °f the Kashgais, is believed to have
off ? ^half of Zair Khadhar and to have directed
Nizam-us-SultaneVfi Governor of Dashti and Dashtistan and the
izam us aultaneh s Agent) to dense means for the return of tfic Darya Begi