Page 542 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 542
The Ahwaz-Ispahan road was much patronized by muleteers in spite of
exorbitant charges for fodder, and a certain amount of robbing and pilfering
from which it was free in the previous yoar.
The good wheat harvest, whilst it stimulated general trade, had little
effect on British firms, except those interested in shipping, whether on the
Karun or to England. The price of wheat ruled low at home, and Messrs.
Lynch Brothers found it necessary to sell a large quantity of wheat, for whioh
they had made advnnoe9, to Messrs. R. W. Wonckhaus & Co., who shipped it
to Germany by the Hamburg Amerika boats doubtless at special rates. Messrs.
Gray, Mackenzie & Co. found themselves quite unable to deal in wheat at a
profit, and Messrs. F. 0. Strick & Co., Ltd., did little in that line, restricting
their purchases to a few hundred tons. It is stated that the Germans found
themselves unable to dispose of the wheat which they had bought and shipped
to Germany.
Messrs. Gray, Mackenzie & Co. sent an European representative to
represent the firm temporarily in Mohammerah for the first time. It is
to be regretted that circumstances made it impossible to make the arrangement
a permanent one.
The activities of the Imperial Bank of Persia have already been referred
Messrs. Lynch Brothers exhibited no signs of bestirring themselves during
the year, though their reported intention of appointing an European to repre
sent, the firm in Ispahan may indicate that they are at last awake to the desir
ability of a step which should have been taken at least two years ago. It is
understood that, after the end of this year, they will no longer represent
Messrs. F. C. Strick & Co. at Mohammerah, though if the agency is given, as
is suggested, to Lloyd Scott & Co., Ltd., who have not the benefit of experi
ence of local conditions, the change is not likely to be beneficial to Messrs.
Messrs. R. W. Y/oackbaus & Co. continued their operations on much
the same lines as last year; they seem to do very little business, and what little
they do is not of a remunerative kind, though it should be added that they
have been very chary of giving credit lately.
Messrs. P. ter Meulen & Co., the Holland-Persia Trading Com
pany, continued to do business in Nasiri on a small scale and to act as for
warding agents to the Tobacco Regie at Ispahan.
A. T. WILSON, LieutenantI.A.,
His Britannic Majesty's Acting Consul for Arabistan.
The 1st January 1911.