Page 543 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 543
THE YEAR 1910.
The charge of His Britannic Majesty’s Consulate, Ahwaz, was held
throughout the year by Lieutenant
Consular Appointments. J. G. L. Ranking, I.A.
M. H. S. Gratama held the post of Consul (Trading) for the Netherlands,
and held acting charge of the Russian
Foreign Consulates. Consular Agency till the return of his
compatriot M. P. P. ter Meulen from leave in Europe, on the 17th April, when
he went on leave to Europe, leaving M. P. P. ter Meulen in acting charge of
the post of Dutch Consul, in addition to his own post, that of Russian Con
sular Agent, which posts M. P. P. ter Meulen has continued to hold through
out the remainder of the year.
Though badly needed, no further pro
New Consulate Building. gress has been made with the project
during the year under report.
The three gauges, in connection with Major Morton’s Karun Irrigation
Scheme, were maintained throughout the
Karun River Gauges.
year, one on the Upper Karun and
two on the Lower.
Haji Fakhr-ul-Mulk has held the post of Governor-General, Arabistan,
throughout the year, in the discharge
Northern Arabistan.
of the duties of which post he has
proved himself an incapable, lazy and effete old gentleman.
Shaikh Chasib, Nusrat-ul-Mulk, held the post of Deputy Governor of
Ahwaz, throughout the year, the duties
of which he discharged satisfactorily,
though the promise shown at the beginning of his Governorship has not been
maintained during the year under report.
Ghulara Riza Khan, Amir-i-Jang, Wali of Pusht-i-Kuh, has maintained
his semi-independent autocratic rule in
Pusht-i-Kuh and Luristan.
Pusht-i-Kuh throughout the year under
report; while in Luristan, Governors-General have followed each other
with kaleidoscopic frequency. Early in February the Sardar Firuz took up
the Governor-Generalship vice Saif-ud-Din Mirza. A few months later,
finding himself from the very outset incapable of dealing with the situation,
the Sardar Firuz resigned and was succeeded by Muntassir-ud-Dowleh, who
however, having made himself unpopular with the Lurs by trying to coerce
them, was driven out of his Governorship by them barely escaping with his
life; at the end of the year, in succession to Muntassir-ud-Dowleh, the Amir
Afghani, Hamadani (Hissam-ul-Mulk), was appointed Governor-General of
Nejaf Kulli Khan, Samsam-us-Sultaneh, and Ghulam Hussein Khan,
Safdar Muhtesham, filled the posts of
Bakhtiari Country.
Ilkhani and Hbegi of the Bakhtiaris
respectively. Having been absent throughout the year from the Bakhtiari
country, their duties were performed during the spring and summer by Lutf
Ali Khan, Amir-i-Muffakham, and Yussuf Khan, Amir-i-Mujahid. Prior
to the outbreak of the inter-family quarrel, in tho summer, the former of these
two Chiefs resigned. Towards the end of September the posts of Acting
Hkhani and Acting Ilbeeri were allotted to Muhammad Taki Khan, Ziva-us-
Sultan, and Ali Akbar Khan, Sardar Ashr&f.