Page 556 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
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                    later, in July, on the dissolution of the Cabinet, the Sardar Assad was elected
                    a member of the Medjliss.
                       On the 4th January, Sultan Muhammad Khan, Sardar Ashraf, took over
                    the Governor-Generalship of Ispahan, in succession to Ncjaf Kulli Khan,
                    Samsam-us-Sultaneh. Later, in the summer, Muhammad Jawad Khan, Mun-
                    tazzim-ud-Dowleli, was appointed as his assistant. The Sardar Asbraf held
                    the post of Governor-General, Ispahan, till the 10th October, when he was 6uc-
                    cecded by Shukrullah Khan, Motamid-i-Khagan.
                       Mahmud Khan, Huiabr-us-Sultan, held the Governorship  of Kashan for
                    a few months in the early part of 1910.
                        The Governor-Generalship of Yezd was held by Nasir Khan, Sardar-i-
                    Jang, till the 11th September, when he left his post, without the permission of
                    the Central Government, in connection with the inter-Bakhtiari family
                    troubles mentioned elsewhere, being succeeded by the Zaigham-ud-Dowleh.
                        Haji Kh'usro Khan, Sardar-us-Zaffar, was appointed Governor-General
                    of Kerman, in June, but never joined his post, which however was filled for a
                    time by his sons Ilyas Khan, Sarum-ul-Mulk, and Iskandar Khan till the 7th
                        Subsequent on the inter-family quarrels, all Governorships were taken
                    out of the hands of the Bakhtiari Khans, who were summoned to Tehran, as
                    elsewhere stated. En route, Naib Hussein-i-Kashi having occupied Kashan,
                    early in October, some of the Bakhtiari Khans were ordered to subdue him.
                    Keshan was invested by a force of Bakhtiaris under Haji Khusro Khan,
                    Sardar-us-Zaffar, and Lutf Ali Khan, Arair-i-Mu£rakham, and various of
                    the lesser Chiefs. The town was eventually bombarded and captured on the
                    SOth October, but Kaib Hussein, with a small following, managed to make
                    good his escape. In the operations before Kashan the Bakhtiaris losses
                    numbered between 20 and 30 killed, including some of the lesser Chiefs.
                        At the end of the year, on account of bis intrigues, Agha Rahim Khan
                    Bakhtinri, was dismissed his post and Agha Sohrab Khan, Bakhtiari,
                    appointed Deputy Governor of Dizful in his place.
                        Relations with the British.—In general the improvement in the tone of
                    the Bakhtiari Chiefs towards British interests, chronicled last year, has been
                    maintained, though unfortunately, owing to the personality of the two Chiefs,
                    namely, Lutf Ali and Yussuf Kfians, charged with the tribal executive, some
                    unpleasantly troublesome questions became acute during the spring of 1910,
                    most notably among these being the Land Acquisition Question, with the
                    Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and the Specie Question, with Messrs. Lynch
                    Brothers, both of which have been dealt with under their respective heads.
                        When on tour, in October, an assault was committed on His Majesty’s
                    Consul at Sarkhun by two Lurs, who had crept into the tent with the intent
                    of theft. Due punishment of the offenders was secured.
                        In the summer the Chiefs had under consideration the question of em­
                    ploying Dr. (Miss E. M.) Ross., who was at that time practising at Dch Kurd
                    in the Chahar Mahal, as Lady Doctor to their wives; no final decision was
                    however arrived at.
                        The relations between His Majesty's Consul, Ahwaz, and the Chiefs have
                    been most cordial throughout the year*
                        Titles.—The titles held by the more important of the Chiefs, during the
                    year under review, are shewn in an Appendix.
                        The Kuhgelu country has been disturbed throughout the year under
                               Kuhgeiu*.           review, inter-tribal fighting having been
                                                   almost continuous during that period.
                        As reported in the Administration Report for 1909, Ilyas Khan, Sarum-
                    ul-Mulk, son of Haji Khusro Khan, Sardar-us-Zaffar, arrived in Bebbeban.
                    in December 1909, to take up the joint Governorship of that place, and was
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