Page 559 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 559
the two factions, into which the Khans of Shushtar are divided, coupled with
the fact that the Governor-General, Arabistan, Haji Fakhr-ul-Mulk, who
resides in Shushtar is absolutely powerless to hold them in check. An out
break occurred in February, subsequent on which affairs went from had to
worse, till the matter came to a head over the question of the right of various
of the Khans to lease certain watermills and the Gotwand Ferry, mohallas
(quarters) were barricaded and street-fighting became the order of the day,
in which manv casualties occurred. The Governor-General, being powerless
to cope with the situation, the Shaikh of Mohammerah summoned the various
heads of mohallas to Mohammarah, subsequent on which there was a cessation
of hostilities. Immediately on their return, however, from Mohamraerah,
fresh trouble broke out, which ended ip Shaikh Khazal of Mohamraerah
receiving orders from Tehran to put a stop to the trouble, by force of arms if
necessary. The Shaikh of Mohammerah collected a force, in August, encam-
ped at Bend-i-Kir, some 28 miles south of Shushtar, summoned the headmen
and Khans of Shushtar, settled the matter and banished Shaikh Murteza,
who is a notorious rogue—since when Shushtar has enjoyed comparative
In connection with the above troubles, in July, neither Messrs. Lynch
Brothers’ boat the S. S. “ Shush an ” nor the Nasiri Company’s boat the S. S.
“ Muavin ” were able to go to Shushtar for about a fortnight.
In January, trouble occurred in the Ilussainabad lands, situate in the
Dizful district.* Shaikh Hydcr of the El Katbir attacked and lootcd'Shaikh
Khurrabit of the same tribe, taking Shaikh Khurrabit himself prisoner, after
which he crossed the Karkha river and camped on the further side. Shaikh
Farkan Assad also of the El Kathir, assisted by Shaikh Nassi of the Chab-i-
Dubais immediately followed up and attacked Shaikh Iiyder, who however
escaped. Later, at the end of April, Shaikh Ryder made his peace with the
Shaikh of Mohammerah. who is his over-lord, and Shaikh Khurrabit was
restored to freedom. In May Shaikh Ryder, on being ordered by the Shaikh
of Mohammerah to pay a large sum in cash and kind, which he owed to Shaikh
Gadzban of the Rani Lam, again became. “Yaghi” (rebellious) and took
refuge with the Sagwand. Finding however that they would not support
him, he " crawled in ” in June and paid up.
Shaikh Farhan Assad’s rebellion against the Shaikh of Mohammerah’s
authority, subsequent on Bakhtiari instigation, has been elsewhere dealt with.
The charge of the Consulate Dispensary has been held throughout the
year by Civil Hospital Assistant Fazl
llahi, who has discharged his duties
with a high degree of efficiency.
The head-quarters dispensary was closed from the the -.3iaUcl0^r
2nd May
as Civil Hospital Assistant Faz'l Ilahi accompanied His Majesty’s Consul
on tour, during which time medical work was done in the districts passed
The daily average attendance at the Dispensary for the period durin<*
which it was open at head-quarters during the year 1910 was 105*02, a!s
against 93*39 for the preceding year; 57 operations having been performed
during the year 1910 as against 67 in the preceding year.
The daily average number of patients treated on tour was 31*45 as
against 12*08 for the year 1909.
u- .kEue*u^i*SeatCSVI?ialaria Qnd worm are lbe diseases most commonly met
with both in Arabistan and also among the bill tribes, while those which
ppeared in epidemic form in bead-quarters were small-pox, measles whoop-
Derem bfr^ 19XCLUCnZ^ 'vhlk sP°radio c^o^ra shewed itself at the end of
under report?1”3' health °f the Consulate staff has ken good during th
e year