Page 563 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 563
Mr. R. E. Holland. I.C.S., held charge of the Political Agency from the
beginning of the year until the 13th
April, when he was relieved by Major
A. P. Trevor, who held charge until the end of the year.
Captain Norman Scott was Agency Surgeon from the beginning of the
year until March 9th, when he left on long leave and Captain H. Crossle,
I.M.S., relieved him. Captain Crossle in turn proceeded on long leave, on
July 27th, and was relieved by Captain N. N. G. C. McVean who continued
to hold charge till the end of the year.
Monsieur A. Jeannier remained Consul for France throughout the year.
Mr. J. A. Ray was American Consul
Foreign Consuls.
during the year, and Monsieur Umberto
Omar was Italian News Agent during the year.
In May, a representative of the French Consul went to Sur for the pur
pose of enumerating the French Dhows there. In June, Mr. Ray paid a
visit to Sib and, in October, he made a short tour to Semail.
On March 17th, on his return from leave, Lieutenant-Colonel P. Z. Cox,
C.S.I., C.I.E., Resident in the Persian
Visits of Resident.
Gulf, arrived at Maskat on H. M. S.
“ Odin ”. Official calls were exchanged with the Sultan and the usual salute
fired. The Resident left in the “ Lawrence,” on the 19th March. On the
14th August the Resident again visited Maskat. During this visit several
private calls were paid on the Sultan who also called on the Resident, and
various matters were discussed. A good many outstanding cases, notably the
compensation for the loss of the ganja “ Alam Dad,” dating form 1906, and
the more recent but troublesome case of compensation to Mr. Harparshad
Laxmansingh for wrongful dismissal, were satisfactorily settled.
On the morning of 7th May the sad news of the demise of His Majesty
Edward VII was received at Maskat.
Demise of His Majesty Edward VH.
His Highness the Sultan, on receipt of
the news, paid a visit to the Political Agent to express his condolence with the
Royal Family and country. His Highness the Sultan and the Foreign Con
suls kept their flags at half mast for three days, and the bazaars were closed
for one day as a mark of respect. Orv the 10th, 68 minute guns were fired by
H. M. S. “ Odin.” On the 20th May, the occasion of the funeral of His late
Majesty, all Government offices and shops were closed, and His Highness’
battery fired a salute of 68 minute guns, the last gun being fired at sunset; the
flags of His Highness the Sultan and all the Consulates, which had been at
half mast during the day, were hauled down on the firing of the last gun.
The health of His Highness the Sultan has been good throughout the
year. The relations between His High-
His Highness the Sultan and famDy.
. . , . . _ and the Agency have been on the
wnole good in spite of the severe strain which has been put on them by the
nancial straits into which His Highness has been thrown by the success of
trie operations for the suppression of the arms traffic:
On the 13th August (ttbShahban 1328) a son was bom to Seyyid Taimur
Ihe boy has been named Saeed. During the last week of December the
Nathrand Seyyid Muhammad with two daughters of
Saiyid All bin Salim bin Thuwaim were celebrated. Portions of the town
ere decorated and festivities took place for several days. Seyyid Taimur
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