Page 567 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 567
His Excellency the Naval Commander-in-Chief hag visited Maskat on
, „ several occasions during the year, and all
Royal Navy. the other ships of the East Indies
Squadron have been constantly in and out of the port in connection with the
arms traffic operations.
The Turkish man-of-war “ Marmaris ”
Foreign Navioo.
visited fylaskat, on the 18th January.
In August, Dr. Bennett arrived and re-opened the dispensary at Mutrah;
in December he was relieved by Dr,
Arnorican Mission.
Harrison, a young man who has recently
joined the Mission full of enthusiasm. He has turned his own quarters into
a sort of hospital and is doing good work at Mutrah. On the 26th December
the Revd. Dr. Cantine, who has been in charge of the Mission at Maskat off
and on for many years, left for Basrah with Mrs. Cantine, being relieved by
the Revd. Mr. Barney and Mrs. Barney. Miss Lutton also joined the Maskat
Mission, and a lady doctor will probably be posted later.
The rainfall for the year amounted to 2*91 inches. The hot weather
seemed to be cooler than usual, the
Wcathor and Rainfall.
highest temperature recorded was 107-4,
on /tn June. The highest average day temperature was 98-0, in June, and
the highest average night temperature was 86-5 in the same month. The
lowest day temperature recorded was 61-0, on January 15th, and the lowest
* temperature was. 50-6, on January 14th. Tables of temperatures and
rainfall are appended.
A. P. TREVOR, Major,
Political Agent and His Britannic
Majesty3s Consul, Maskat.