Page 645 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 645
Previous rulers of Kumarij were:—
Malta Mohammed Sbeffi (killed by retainer* abont 1871 t married
I Sgrtrest had jo O/na).
filulU Hass*n Qull Mulla Abba* Qali Son (in exile Son (In ext'e Haidar Khan (born about
(«iven Daliki Tillage (killed by retainer* at Famur). at Sn&hpur,. 18711 mortally wounded
»nd killed there about 1895). (by retaioera 1909 t)
about 1891).
Widow aubsequently married
Huasaio Beg of
Daogh’fcr (married Farajullak K\a n
Khwajch Abdulla (born 1909 just beforo
Nasir*ad-Diwan). father** death).
N. B.—Since the above was written, Khurshid Beg has been accidentally
killed : and the political future of the district becomes still more uncertain.
Kascrun and Skahfur.
The Kazerun plain is a Government of the province of Fars, having a
Governor appointed by the authorities in Shiraz: Shahpur was in former times a
separate district, but its maliyat (taxation) is now payable from Kazerun and it
may be taken together with Kazerun.
Boundaries: ca the: —
Sovih-Wcsl: the Kuh-i-Mast mountain, separating the district from
that of Kumarij.
North-east : the mountain range separating it from the Nedun valley.
North-West: the Chakkun defile, and the Mulla Na’l Shikan pass,
separating it from the (Shulistan) Mamasenni district, distant about
22 miles from Kazerun town.
South-east: Pul-i-Abgineb and the liulla Arab pass, distant about 7$
miles from Kazerun and separating it from the Famur district.
The valley is therefore about 30 miles long by 4 broad.
The revenue of Kazerun is chiefly in kind, some 700,000 lbs. of grain being
taken by the Diwan. The village’ of Dawun is farmed to the Parsi bankers
The villages of Kazerun are Round Shahpur are
Kazerun (capital: about 12,000 inhabitants: two parts Bushakan.
Bala and Pain).
Saifabad. Qaleh-i-Seyyid Nasir.
Malta Arab. Fathabad.
Kexnunkeshi. Sa’adabad.
Deris. Khudabad.
Qaleh-i*Seyy»d. Sadrabad.
Pul-i-Abgineb. Qaleh-i-Hakim Bashi.
Shah Khusrou. Tul-i-Guak.
Kor-a’-i-Khamsek. Qaleh-i-Tabatabai and
Abu Ali.