Page 648 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 648

                                        LING AH, FOR THE YEAR 1911.

                           Deputy Governors.—Mansur-i-Diwan continued to hold the appoint-
                                  Loci officiaii.    n,<rnt UP to thc April when he was
                                                     relieved by Shaikh Nasir Khan, who
                       proved to be a strong and fairly capable Deputy Governor. He in his turn
                       was relieved by Mirza Mahmud Khan, on the 3rd October, an enlightened man
                       who has travelled in Europe; who was employed in the Imperial Bank of
                       Persia for 17 years, but who is lamentably weak and unable to exercise pro­
                       per authority. Mirza Mahmud Khan retained the appointment up to the
                       end of the year.
                           Karguzars —-In January, the Acting Karguzar, Muhammad Hassan, was
                       relieved by Saiyid Husain, Hassam-e-Saadat, who has carried out the duties
                       of Deputy Karguzar for both Bandar Abbas and Lingah throughout the year.
                       Bandar Abbas is his permanent residence, and he has only paid four short
                       visits to Lingah during the year, in January, March, August and October.
                                                       Turkish.—Mr. New was in charge of
                              Foreign Representatives.
                                                     Turkish interests throughout the year.
                           Monsieur Nabil Zia Bey, Turkish Consul at Bushire, visited Lingah in
                       the summer, staying from the 3rd to the 15th August. Before calling on
                       Mr. New he erected a flagstaff and hoisted the Turkish flag at the house where
                       he was staying. His altitude throughout his stay was most discourteous, and
                       without any reference to Mr. New he enrolled some <.00 persons of Persian,
                       Oman, and Trucial Coast origin, as Turkish subjects, <0 of whom were given
                       papers of Turkish nationality, which were forwarded from Bushire by
                       Monsieur Nabil Zia through the post to a Persian friend of his at Lingah,
                       for distribution.
                           Nearly all these papers of Turkish nationality were subsequently re­
                       covered from the holders by the Persian Government. Representations of
                       this extraordinary behaviour towards Mr. Vice-Consul New were made to the
                       Porte by His Majesty’s Government, with tbe result that Monsieur Nabil Zia
                       was dismissed from his appointment at Bushire.
                           Maishat and Oman.—Muhammad Tahnun continued as agent of His
                       Highness the Sultan of Maskat throughout the year.
                                                        Anjuman.—This assembly has died
                                Local Government.     altogether, and during the year no meet­
                                                     ings have been held
                           Meetings.—The Turkish Consul's visit to Lingah in August, and the
                       subsequent action taken by the Persian Government in confiscating un­
                       authorized passports issued by him, created some unrest locally. A certain
                       section formed a kind of indignation society, which, towards the close of the
                       year, was assuming more dangerous proportions, and which threatened to
                       completely destroy the authority of the Deputy Governor. Tho following
                       three Persian officials were members of the society and although this was
                       known to the Deputy Governor, he was quite powerless to chock them :—
                             Abdur Reza Khan (Collector of Revenue).
                             Abdur Reza (Chief of the Deputy Governor's tufangchis).
                             Bahman Shah (Persian Postmaster).
                        Through the representations of the Political Resident the last named was
                                                        Lecon-es-Sultan acted as Director till
                                   Cnstaaa.           tbe 18th April when he was relieved by
                                                      Monsieur L. Collette.
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