Page 656 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 656
The Russian Government have maintained a native Consular Agont here
during the year, but he docs nothing, and
Foreign IntoreeU.
is said to receive no salary. The ships
0f the Russian Steam Navigation Company paid four calls each way during
the past year, but seldom brought more than a few bales of cargo. The Ham
burg- Amerika line have maintained a monthly service, and the total value of
the cargo carried by these vessels from and to this port on the other hand from
October 1909 to the end of September 1910, the only period for which statis
tics are available, amounted to £49,199, an increase of nearly 60 per cent.
0vor the preceding year. There were rumours during the summer that
Messrs. Wonckhaus & Co. contemplated opening a branch here; and they
even got as far as enquiring about a house : the Assistant, however, who was
coming to open the branch fell ill and the project did not mature, and appears
to have been dropped for the time being.
Assistant Surgeon Lincoln was Quarantine Medical Offioer till 10th
^August when ho was relieved by Assist
ant Surgeon Smith from Busnire, and
transferred to Mohammerah’. In spite of outbreaks of plague at nearly all
the other Gulf Ports, no cases occurred at Bandar Abbas, nor was any other
disease epidemic.
At the beginning of the year a report was received that an Afghan
.caravan had passed through Reg an on
Arma Traffic.
its way to Bandar Abbas. The C onsul-
ste Guard was in consequence increased by the addition of 1 native officer
and 34 non-commis’sioned officers and men of the 117th Mahrattas from Jask.
The report, however, appears to h been incorrect, at any rate as far
u$ the destination of the caravan was concerned, and no Afghan caravan
arrived during that winter. The detachment .was reduced to its normal
strength of 16 rank and file in May. Up to the close of the year no news of
the arrival of any Afghan caravan had been received
An infiltration of arms undoubtedly continues, but in very small numbers,
and such as are brought into the town seem to come from the direction of
Thirty-seven slaves took refuge at the Consulate during the past year,
out of which number 16 were manumit
ted, the remainder being either restored
amicably to their masters, or leaving the Consulate whilo their cases were
under investigation.
His Majesty’s Consul visited Basidu
in June and Minab in July.
His Excellency Rear-Admiral Sir Edmond Slade, K.C.I.E., acoompanied
by Mr. Valentine Chirol, arrived at
... , „ . „ Bandar Abbas on 30th April and left on
the following day. The Resident arrived in the R.I.M.S. " Lawrence ” on the
luth March and loft the following day.
Captain H. V. Biscoe held charge of
the Consulate throughout the year.
EL V. BISCOE, Captain,
Assistant Resident and His Britannic
llajesttfs Consul, Bandar Abbas.