Page 663 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 663

                                             Seth Muhammad Reimoo Mowjee, a
                       Cuatomu.            British Indian subject, was in charge of
                                           Gwadur’s customs.
               During the month of June a British Indian subject assaulted a subject
                                           of His Highness the Sultan of Maskat.
                       Malt                After inquiry the British Indian subject
            was fined Rs. 40, with the concurrence of the Political Agent, Maskat; a
            moiety of this was tendered to the complainant for the injury sustained by
            him. He refused to accept the amount and proceeded to complain to the
            Sultan. The Sultan referred the matter to the Political Agent, Maskat, and
            sent the complainant back to Gwadur. As the man could not be persuaded
            to accept the amount, the case was dropped.
               In December the Nakhuda of a Kutchi boat returning from Bandar
                                           Abbas sold 120 bags of wheat to certain
                     Sal a of Cargo.
                                           British Indian and Maskat subjects as
            his own property and under a false name. The cargo belonged to one Tribho-
            vandass Kalidass of Bhavnagar. The case is under inquiry and remains
               During the year twelve slaves, fugitives from Mekran, were deported to
                                           Karachi at the expense of the British
                A severe type of small-pox broke oot in Gwadur in January. A vac­
                                           cinator was sent there at the expense of
                       Epidemics.          the Indian Government. In all 231
                                           deaths occurred from the disease.
                Many matters in dispute among British Indian subjects, and also between
                                           them and the subjects of His Highness
                                           the Sultan, were settled by arbitration
            or by correspondence with the Director, Persian Gulf Telegraphs at Karachi.
                In August, two paerszgers of tho S. S. “Y7aroonga” from Iloskat,
                                           residents of Eaftan in Persia, landed
                    Smuggling of ArmB.
                                           three rifles and 450 rounds of ammuni­
            tion concealed in their luggage. They carried an old passport. The arms
            were seized by the Native Assistant, but, as his safety was threatened by the
            importers, a gun-boat was sent to Gwadur and the weapons delivered to the
            Commander. In November, three Persian Mekranis successfully smuggled
            into Gwadur six rifles and 8C0 rounds of ammunition ex S. S. “ Pandua n
            from Maskat. They proceeded inland where the arms were seized by the
            Mekran Levy Corps. In December, three inhabitants of Sarbaz landed three
            revolvers ex S. S. “ Kasara ” from Maskat. They were seized by the Native
            Assistant ahd deposited with the Wali of Gwadur pending further inquiry.
            They produced a passport in favour of a sepoy of His Highness the Sultan of
            Maskat. The Y/ali, without further reference, delivered the weapons to the
            smugglers who proceeded up-country where they raided four camels in British
            territory. The matter was duly reported to the Political Agent and His
            Britannic Majesty’s Consul at Maskat.
                A report regarding the condition of the districts with which he is
            immediately concerned, by LIr. D. W. M. Gumbley, Assistant Superintendent,
            Jask Sub-Division, is herewith attached.

                                                         R. C. BARKER,
                                           Director of Persian Gulf Telegraphs,
                                                in Political Charge, Mekran Coast.

            The lSth February 191t.
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