Page 665 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 665


                 In May, Saiyid Abdul Rahim 6cnt two female slaves from Bashkard
             .with ono Abdu-bin-Nabi to Kahoran, west of Bunji, where they embarked in
             Mahmud Moosa’s dhow for the Batineh Coast whore they were to be sold.
                 The Jask District under Mir Mustapha Khan and Mir Hoti has remained
                                            peaceful throughout the year. The only
                       Jnsk District.
                                            untoward incident taking place on the
             night of 15th July when Dostdcen of Parkoh (north of Gabrig) came down
             with the intention of shooting one Slier Muhammad in revenge, the latter’s
             nephew, Dadklmdda, having shot one Kadi, a relative of Dostdeen’s, some
             four years previously. Dostdcen and his two companions fired in the dark,
             killing a slave of Slier Muhammad’s, named Araboo.
                 Soon after returning from Charbar to Gaih last spring, the Persians,
                                            who had been unsuccessfully fighting
                        Gaili District.
                                             Bahrain Khan, sent for Sardar Saiyid
             Khan to come to Bampur to take charge there. He has been in Bampur ever          ; I
             since, and in consequence Mir Islam Khan has been slowly assuming more           '
             power than Saiyid Khan considers him entitled to; this may shortly lead to       i
             fighting between them.
                 Khalifa Khair Muhammad with his whole family came down to Kasira-
             abad, near Bampur, from Scistan in June and has remained in the country
             ever since, although the Persian Government have issued instructions to
             Sardar Saiyid Khan to turn him out. When I saw the Khalifa in Bint this
             autumn lie seemed very anxious to gain the good-will of the British Govern­
             ment. ilis influence in the country seems to be on the wane except perhaps
             in Bint.
                 The Mekran Field Force landed at Galag on the 10th April and marched
             some 35 miles up the Rapcli river from whence 90 mounted men, together
             with Sardar Saiyid Khan and Islam Khan, rode into Bint, and after a stay
             of a few hours the return march was commenced, which was without incident.
             The object of the march was to drive the Afghans back from the sea-board,
             but they had retreated on Fanooch when they heard a Force was coming.
             One of the indirect consequences was that, in May, the representative of
             Islam Khan in Karwan looted wheat from Jamedar Yakoob and Line-guard
             Jungoo, and severely beat the latter and his wife. This they said had been
             done under Islam Khan’s instructions who, they said, wished all telegraph
             employes hounded out of his country. His anger was apparently due to the
             fact that the above-mentioned men had disclosed his real relations with the
             Afghans, to our knowledge of which he attributed the ride to Bint by Colonel
             Delamain’s Force. He has since apologised for this, and declares the occur­
             rence had not his sanction. He was most courteous when I visited him in
             Bint in October and when he came down to in December. Details
             of both these meetings were forwarded to you under my Nos. 30 of 12th
             November, and 35 of 18th December.
                 Sardar Saiyid Khan appears to be annoyed to find that he cannot obtain
             a pass for all the rifles lie wished to import.
                 At the beginning of the year bitter enmity existed between Mahmud
                                             Khan and his nephew Mir Min Muham­
                      D.ishliari District.
                                             mad; Sardar Saiyid Khan was, however,
             able to effect their reconciliation during his southern tour last spring. An
             arrangement has been come to by which they share the revenue of Dashtiari
             which has so far worked satisfactorily.
                 In September, Mir Din Muhammad went to Rask to marry Mir Ali
             Muhammad’s daughter; he returned in December and is now in Bahoo. Mir
             Ali Muhammad is the elder brother of Bahrain Khan of Dizak.
                 In February, Arce, a subject of Mir Din Muhammad, looted 160 goats
             seven cows and four buffaloes from Talang close to Mahmud Khan’s fort
             This was said to bo done under instructions from Nawab Khan. In revenge
             Mir Dhur, son of Mahmud Khan, went to Mirai Bazaar where Din Muham-!
             mad was living and cut down 60 date trees and some fruit trees.
                 On the 27th July, Mir Din Muhammad reported to the Clerk in Charge
             Charbar, that a Baluch had robbed and killed an Afghan in his district b *
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