Page 76 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 76
This district, •which ha9 recently been in a state of disorder, is jointly
under the control of Mir Asbraf Khan
enert ’ nnd Mir Ahmed Khan, who are respond
sibjo to the Persian Government at Bampur for an annual payment of about
6ix thousand rupees, nothing of which has been paid for somo years. In
September last they were commanded to Bampur to explain the non-payment
of their debts. Hero, I believe, Mir Ahmed Khan negotiated a scheme by
which he guaranteed to collect the necessary money, and Mir Ashraf Khan was
detained as security.
Shortly after Mir Ahmed Khan’s return, it was reported that three hundred
camels had been looted by him at Palciri, a placo situated in His Highness the
Sultan of Maskat’s territory, about 2G miles from Gwadur. Most of the camels
looted belonged to the Latti tribe who were formerly resident in Baliu and
subjects of Mir Ahmed Khan, but they left about three years ago on account
of his overbearing oppression and settled at Paleiri with the Sultan’s
It appears that on the arrival of the Political Officer sent to investigate
the case, Mir Ahmed Khan was induced to return some of the camels, but there
is still a deficiency of about two hundred, of which twenty-eight belong to
telegraph servants.
Mir Ahmed Khan’s next escapade was undertaken early in February last,
when he looted a former subject of his named Mir Sheikh Dost Mahomed, a
wealthy aud influential man who is also described as a high priest.
Mir Sheikh Dc"f Mohamed like many others left the Bahu district about
a year ago on accoun*. of constant persecution, and settled in Dashtyari where
he was well received. Early in February Mir Ahmed Khan went to Dashtyari
and begged him to return, promising he would not be molested and many
other fictitious promises with the result that Mir Sheikh Dost Mahomed was
eventually induced to return to Bahu. But directly he had settled he was
treacherously looted by Mir Ahmed Khan who captured two of his sons
whom he holds for a ransom of two thousand rupees. After this incident Mir
Ahmed Khan took refuge in Bahu Kalat with a following of about twenty
men, and Mir Sheikh Dost Mahomed was busily engaged collecting a small
army to attack him, but it has recently transpired that an amicable agreement
lias been arranged. It is supposed that this is merely feint on the part of
Mir Ahmed Khan, whose scheme now is to capture Mir Sheikh Dost Mahomrd
himself and confiscate all bis property. The country is in a most deplorable
condition and practically nothing has been sown this year. The depopulation,
which has been going on for years, has now reached its lowest ebb, the only
people remaining being a few Hots and headmen with their relatives and
slaves. It must he considered fortunate that no damage has been done to the
line this year.
The rainfall throughout all the districts dealt with has been abundant
and this year’s crops should be exception
Rainfall. ally productive.
In February a large extent of country between Rodi and the Dasht river,
approiimately 500 square miles, was in flood, which was mainly attributable
to monthless rivers emptying themselves about i6 miles north of Gwettff.
This huge overflow is entirely wasted as the soil here is salty and perfectly
useless for cultivation.
The inhabitants say they have not had a similar flood for the past fifteen
years, nor such a quantity of rain as lias lately falleD, and which appears to
have been general throughout the country between Jask and Gwadur.
It is a fact beyond doubt that throughout the hinterland of Ferstaa
Mekran, slaves are constantly bmg
glare Traffic.
bought and sold, the men being “
ployed in cultivating and tending camels while the women . become domestic
Bervante. The local officials of the Telegraph Department, think henrerer