Page 81 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 81


                              RESIDENCY FOR THE YEAR 10O6-19OC.             71               • !

                 (2» Jonkhecr de S&vornin Lob man, Doctor of Iaw, etc., Member of
                       tho Second Chamber of the Netherlands States-General, seleo-
                       ted by tho French Government; and
                 (3) Mr. IT. Lammasch, Doctor of Law, Member of the Upper House
                       of the Austrian Parliament, selected by His Majesty the King
                       of Italy as Chief Arbitrator : and the result was announoed on
                       the 8th August.
               Tho judgment of the Court of Arbitration was in two parts of three
           clauses each.
                                         Part I.
               1.  Before tho 2nd of January 1892 Prance was entitled to authorize
           vessels belonging to subjects of llis Highness the Sultan of Ala skat to fly the
           French flag, only bound by ber own legislation and administrative rules.
               2.  Owners of dbows who before 1S92 have been authorized by France to
           fly the French flag retain this authorization as long as France renews it to the
               3. After 2nd January 1892, Franco was not entitlod to authorize vessels
           belonging to subjects of His Highness the Sultan of Maskat to fly the French
           flag except on condition that their owners or fitters out bad established or
            Bhould establish that they had been considered and treated by France as her
            “proteges” before the year 1863.
                                         Part IL
                1.  Dhows of Maskat authorised as aforesaid to fly the French flag are
            entitled in the territorial waters of Maskat to tlie inviolability provided by the
            French-Maskat treaty of 1644.
                2.  The authorization to fly the French flag cannot be transmitted or
            transferred to any other person or to any other dhow, even if belonging to the
            same owner.
                3.  Subjects of the Sultan of Maskat, who are owners or masters of
            dhows authorized to fly the French flag or who are members of the crews of
            such vessels, or who belong to their families, do not enjoy in consequence
            of that fact any right of exterritoriality which could exempt them from the
            sovereignty, especially from the jurisdiction, of His Highness the Sultan of
                Shortly after the issue of the above judgment it was agreed upon be­
            tween the Governments of England and France that clause 3 of the 2nd part of
            the judgment should come into force without delay but that the question of
            investigation of the rights of persons and dhows to fly French flags and all
            other matters connected with a settlement according to the arbitration award
            should stand over until the return to Maskat of M onsieur Larouce, the perma­
            nent incumbent of the French Consulate. Monsieur Laronce arrived in
            October, and shortly afterwards he and the Political Agent were instructed
            to confer together with a view
                  (1) .to decide as to the best method of making known to the sub­
                        jects of the Sultan of Oman the result of the arbitration,
                  (2)  to draw up a list of such subjects henceforth to be allowed to
                        fly French flags.
                The officers concerned agreed at once that the result of the arbitration
             should be announced by His Highness the Sultan in the form of a proclama­
             tion, and on March 4th M. Laronoe handed to Major Grey a list of perams and
             dhows which in his opinion might continue to fly the French flag according? to
             the termB of the award. This list is still (April 1st) under examination and
                 VI. His Majesty’s ships havin? been engaged on other duties
                                                                        _i no ca p­
                        Slave trade.        tures of slave dhows have been nude
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