Page 106 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                       way down only for tho first five months, but since early in Juno both ways
                       about once in throe weeks. Direct steamers from Europe called on way up
                       river on three occasions and on way out of river on two occasions; but grain
                       was sent outside tho bar of the Shat-el-Arab in lighters for shipment.
                           Coasting vessels from neighbouring Persian ports and from Kowcit called
                       frequently, and during the date shipping season many native craft from India,
                       Muscat, Zanzibar, and Arab ports called.
                           No returns available of vessels not under British colours.
                           The Tigris and Euphrates Steam Navigation Company run a steamer
                       fortnightly to Bunder Naseri (Ahwas) on the Karun, in connection with a
                       Persian steamer running thence to Shushter. The Governor of Mohammerah
                       also runs a fortnightly steamer to the same port in connection with the Naseri
                       Company at Aliwaz. The native steamers carry about four-fifths of the cargo?
                       in spite of greater advantages offered by British vessels. There are about
                       sixty passengers each way monthly, the majority of whom travel by British
                           The wheat crop on Karun was fairly good, giving a return of about fifty
                       fold on amount sown.
                           The date crop was light in weight from having been cut too early.
                           The export of wheat from the Upper Karun was prohibited in July and
                       from Mohammerah in November.
                           The population of Mohammerah is about 2,300. The merchants and
                       tradesmen are principally Persians. The cultivators are all Arabs.

                                                  Public Works.
                           The telegraph line was completed to Bunder Naseri on the 1st August,
                       opening communication with Shushtar and DizfuL A line is now being
                       constructed from Bushire to Bander Naseri via Behbehan.
                           At Bander Naseri the'Naseri-Company- completed their tramway and
                       goods are conveyed by it- to and from steamers above rapids from and to
                       steamers below rapids.
                           In March His Excellency Haki Shehabel-Mulk relieved His. Excellency
                       Nizam-es-SuJtaneh as Governor of Arabistan and Bakhtiari.
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