Page 101 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 101


                   RE8IDEN0Y AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POE 1891*92.     46

            Controlled Statement i lowing tie Value and Deeeription of Goode imported into MueeaL
                               Estimate tok Tin y*ae 1891-92,
                                           Fob tbb omouL teas
          From           Abtxous.                             U        la
                                           180O-9L  1891-92.  1891-91.  1891-91.

                                              I        $        f       f
                     Bengal                 671,100  600,000          71,100
                     Malabar                 1,200    1,400     200
                     red                       600     650      150
                    {table                  12,000   10,000   • ••     2,000
                Wheat                        2.030    2,500     470    •••
                Bajri                          50       70       20
                Jowari                      10,800    7.000            3,800
                Dhall                        1.030     900               130
                Sugar                        59,050  45,000   • ••     14,050
                Sugarcand;                   1,300    1.000              300
                Jaggri                         170      150               20
                Coffee                       51,400  65,01*0   3,600
                Tea                             60      70       10
                Pepper                       6,300    8.500             2,800
                Turmeric •                   4,100    3.500              600
                Cardamoms                     8,400   3.000              400
                Cinamon .                    4,580    4.000              580
                Ginger, dry                     45      50        5
                Nutmegs .                      200      200
                Betel-nuts                     220      260      30
                Cocoanuts, jdry              1,820    1,500              320
                                               650      600               50
                Tamarind •   •                 300    1,500    1,200
                Mon key nuts •                1,950   2,000      50
                M usk   •                     8,100   3,600     500    • ••
                Aloes wood                    3.200   4,000     800
                Frankincense .               1.200    4,000    2/300
            <   Sandalwood chips               700      700    • ••
                Camphor .                      200      IS!)     50
                Gooracco .                     300     400      100
                      C damaged                450      605     150
                Cotton, < cloth •           222,000  200,000           22,000
                      (.blue .               40.000  40,500     500
               Turkey red                    21.000   20,000            i"ooo
                Handkerchiefs, colours        1,500   1,500
                Chintz .    •                 7,000   8,000    1,000
               Twist •      •                50,000  45,000             6,000
                Cotton yarns                  1,600   1,400              200
                Broadcloth .                   300     400      100
                Shawls and loongies            550     000       50
                Silk                         35,500  36,000     500
                Silk goods.                   6/800   6,000              800
                Gold thread                   1,400   1,200              200
                Hemp                           125      150      25
                Twine •                        150     toO       50    • ••
                Gunnies .                     5,600   7,000    1,400
                Rope, coir .                   750      700               50
                Copper •                      7,350   7^000              350
                Tin and lead                  1,000   8,000    2,000
                Steel •                        150    2,000    1,850     100
                Brass •                        600      600
                Ironware .                    1,900     200             1,701.
                Dyes   .•                      400      600     200
                Indigo                         150      200      50     7,200
                oa, {  sweet and cocoanuts   39,200   32.000            2,500
                     kerosine .              16,500   14.000
                Candles                        300      soo
                Oil seeds •                    100      ICO
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