Page 97 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 97


                           Estimate for the year 1591-92—continued*

          From          Abtioia             Quantity.    DolUn.
               Grom .      ,  ,             200 bags       • 800
               Ghco .                       100 tins        700
               Cummin seed                1,100 bags       0,000
               Coriandor .   . • .          100 „          • 200
               Garlic .   .                 60 „ •          100
           5   Salamoniao   •  .             6 boxes]       200
           5   Hyacinth    .   .             8 „           ■ 100
               Caraway seed  .  •            4 bags          12
               Hides .   .                  150 bundles    2,600
           g   Pewter-ware  .                6 boxes        150
           HU  Tallow .                     100 dubbas      400
               Boses, empty, dealwood                      8,500
               Saltpetre                    90 boxes        600
               Sundries    .  .               • ••        17,000
               Toys and Fancy work                         2,000
                              Total                     12,43,582
                              Specie                      75,000
                     GRAND TOTAL                        13,18,582
                                          3.000  bags      0,000
                     (dry)                  160- „ •        800
               Wheat .                    0,000 „         19,000
               Jowaree                    2.000  „         4.000
               Baley ,   .                1,500  „         3.000
               Moong ,   •                 400  „          1,500
               Rice                        800 „            900
               French beans .              150  „           600
               Ghee •    •                8,600 dubbas    86,000
               Almonds   •                  70 bags         550
               Walnuts                      40  „           300
               Pistachio nuts.              10 „            120
           M   Figs ,                       15  „           110
           o                                                800
          O    Plums  •   •                 15  „
               Raisins .   •                300   .        1,800
           55                                              9.000
               Cotton .   .               1,500 bales
           w u  Carpets and rugs             25 bundles    3,500
          2    silk> &:                      8    i*       4.000
           a                                20             9.000
           *   Canvas .   •                 170 rolls*      850
               Skins •                       16 bundles     250
           w i                                             1,000
               Goat's hair •                200 bags
           g   Salt   •   •              18,000 bahrs     50,000
           D   Red ochre . .                200 ,,          600
          M    Sulphur   .                  20 casks        300
               Saltpetre ’                  40 boxes        360
               Lime  •,   •               2,500 bahrt      4,000
          o    Assafcetida •                 8 skins        800
           JC  Madder                       15 bags         150
           2                                300  „          900
           a   Myrtle leaves •                              600
                                            200 „
          £    Indian-corn •              1.000  karbas    1,100
               Rose-water •
               Pomegranate skins            85 bags         150
               Pearls  .   .                              60,000
               Mother-of-pearl             220 candies    20,000
               Bndrbnd                     400 bags        1,200
               Opium •                       7 chests      8,000
               Dyes . ;                     20 casks        120
               Yellow wood .                 0 bags         200
              Mat bag*                    4.000 bundles    6,000
               8affron •   •                30 boxes       4.500
               Gram  .                      600 bags
              Vinegar                       100 karbas       80
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102