Page 96 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 96


                                            Estimate for iU year 1891-02-rContinued.
                                                                           Vda« In
                           From          AsnoLts.            Quantity.     Dollars.  RlnMft¥l.

                                Sugar .   .                 5,000 bago   .   45,000
                                Spgarcandy; y                160 „           1,000
                                J agree .                     25 tt •         160
                                Coffee •                   1,600 „          65,000
                                Tea                           20 boxes         70
                                Pepper .   •                 860 bags        3,600
                                Turmeric   .                 400 „           3,600
                                Cardamons                     25             3.000
                                Cinamon   .                  700 boxes      4.000
                                Ginger, dry                   10 bags          50
                                Nutmegs    .                  15 „            200
                                Betelnuts                     80 „            250
                                                           8,000 in number   1,500
                                                             800 moorahs      600
                                Tamarind                     500   „         1,500
                                Monkeynufa  •               1,000 bags       2,000
                                Musk .                        60 bottles    3,600
                                Aloes wood • •                25 boxes      4,000
                                Frankincense .               300  „         4,000
                                Sandal wood chips             30  „           700
                                Camphor   •                   17 ..        * 250
                                Gooracoo                     200 rins         400
                                      f damaged              400 bales        600
                                Cotton < etuff             1,900  „        200,000
                                       blue                  450  „        40,500
                                Turkey red  ,                 90  „        20,000 •
                                Handkerchief, coloured        17 boxes       1,500
                                Chintz •   •   •             •70  „   •     8,000
                                Twist • *  •   •             600 bales     45,000
                            a   Cotton yarn.  •   •           15 „          1,400
                                Broad cloth  •   .             4 „            400
                            R   Shawls and loongies.           8 boxes        600
                            T   Silk                          80 bales      36,000
                            <   Silkgoods                     40 boxes       6,000
                            a   Gold thread                   10 „           1,200
                            'a  Hemp •                        12 bundles      150
                                Twine .                       20   u          200
                                Gunnies                      800   w        7,000
                                Rope coir                    260              700
                                Copper .                     300 pieces     7.000
                                Tin and lead                 400  „         8.000
                                Steel                      1,800 „          2,000
                                Brass •                       50  „           600
                                Ironware                      6 bundles       200
                                Dyes .                        20 casks        600
                                Indigo •                      4 bags          200
                                00, { sweet and cocoanut   3,000 tins      32.000
                                     kerosine              . 8,000 >boxes   14.000
                                Oilseeds   .   .              10 bags         100
                                Candles    .   .              76 boxes ••     300
                                Ganja (flax seeds)  ..        16 moorahs      270
                                Sulphur    .   .             120 boxes        600
                                Lucifer matches ..           140 M           2,200
                                Fireworks..   •   .           80 „            200
                                Punrass                        4 u            100
                                Saffron .                     40 n           1,200
                                Alum t                       *5  „            160
                                Wood •                          • ••         3,000
                                Wines, spirits, liqueurs, etc.  700 packages   3,500
                                Tar       •• •                12 casks        100
                                Paper •                       40 boxes        600
                                Crockery  •»                 260 „           8,000
                                Soda                          12 *             i_ 60
                                Floor •                     1,600 bags       6,600
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