Page 91 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                     TABLE No. tV
          Return <f Principal Article of Export fro* tie Porto <mtii Wr«* Coast of tie Portion Cut/
                                    during the goer 189L

                                                    ViJw.    QUhtltj.  VaJrnn.
                                                      -A                 *
                                                           (260 donkeys,
                                                           ( 20 hones. I
          Animals, living .   .            670       10/300  s 200 oamelt.   21,600
          Coffee •   •   •   •             406 torts.   20,260
          Grain and palce •               6,000 „    30.000  4,286 cwta.   27.000
          Jute, manufactures of .         1,600 tales,   16.000   1,000 bales.   10.000
          Oil                             1,000 cwta.  18,000  2,600 Maks.  37,600
          Pearlo ....                              35,00/)00          27,00,000
          Provinces and oiltacnctorEj     4,900 ewts.  20,000           19.000
          Shells, molber-of-pcarl •       7.000  H   80,000  6.000 owts.  60.000
          Tobacco ...                     1,609121a.  21,000  1.000 bdles.   14.000
          Woollen poodc (cloaks) .        2.000 cl cuts.  22,000  1,200 cloaks.  13.000
          Other article .   .                        37,000             73.000
                                TotAL              37,79,250          29,76.000
                                 Specie             2,40,000          1,85.000

                          GRAND TOTAL       •me    40,19,250   h4     31,60,000

                                     TABLB No. 23.
          Return of Principal Articles of Ir.porls into the Pc:U ok the Aral Coart of the Persian Golf
                                    dnrir.g the year 189L
                                                1331.             K8QL
                                           QurntUy.  Value.  Quantity.  Talon.
                                                       R                 k
          Anna and atnmtmitiou •                     16/300             66,000
          Canvts (country)   .   •         600 efts.   30.000   700ewta.  42.000
          Cattle ....                     S/OOtcad.   24/300  6.000 head.  18X00
          Coffee .   » •   •              6.250 cuts.   2,36,500  3.000 bogs.   2/J2/00
          Coir and coir*rppe   .   •      64300 -    40.000   6/300 evta.  44.000
          Colion goods   .   •             9CO boles.   240/300  800 bdlra.   2,40.000
          Thread and twist  .              250 cuts.   14/50  300 eirta.  17.000
          Cotton   .                       600 *     10/300
          Dales ....                    1/X3/300 „   3,00,000  86,700 cirta.   3/njooo
          Date juice .   •   •            8/00 .     12/00  1/00 *      ttsooo
          Drugs and medicines •           4000 .     20.000             Mjooo
          Frcita end vegetables •                    41/300           * *1/300
          Grain and pauo   •   •        l/0>0OOewts.  8.25JOOO  1/7400 cwts.   8/5/300
          Mats ....                      60.000 pbao.  26/300           20.000
          Metals .   •   •   •            1.S00 cwta.   12,000  l/40cvta.  12/300
          Metals, manufactures of . .      200 »     20,000
          oa                             10.000  0  1/0/300            liiooo
          Peark .                                                       29JDOO
          Perfumery • _ •                            16,000             12JOOO
          Porcelain and chrxuwax*                    10,000
          flDlitoAll .   •«                         . 36/300            woo
          Klk                             2/3001L    12,000             JOflOO
          83k, manufactures «f •          l/OOpbca.  18,000   JJOj pieces.   16JDOO
              . . . .                     Utf «*U.   82,000   1,890 cwta.   WOO
          Soar .                          Woo       1,10,000   A000 »   1/0,000
          Tafiow •.                       woo .      83,000  1/00 »     86/300
          Timber «nd wood                                               64000
          Wod..................................................  120«»tn   12,000
          Wocflia pxA (cBipotii rugs, die-)   230 pbcaa.  16,000  i*"  .34000
          Other articles ...                        1,14900    • M     1/9/60
                                Torsi              8428,660           26,11,860
                                8psoia             le/o/oo     M.      7/nooo
                         GRAND TOTAL

   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96