Page 88 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 88


                                                   TABLE No. 17
                       Statement shoving tie Quantity of Opium exported from Bander Abbas from lti January is
                                                 3lit December 1891.
                                                                             To       To
                                                                           Loitdoit.  Hono-Kono.
                                          Bx vnuT GTiuirnsc.
                                                                          Nnmbor of   Number at
                                                                           ohcota.   chest#.

                       British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited                 77
                       Bombay and Persia Steam Navigation Company, Limited           1,519
                       Miscellaneous Steamers                                  B

                                                               Total         1,398 chests,

                                                   TABLE No. 18.
                               Return of Principal Articles of export from Bahrain during the year 1891.
                                                          J89L                 lb9a
                                                    Qcantrty.  Value.    Quantity.   VahlOr

                                                                 R                    R
                                                     10 horses            61 hordes
                                                                          85 camels I
                                                 {   15 camels }
                        Animals                      80 donkeys   10,050  115 dsnbeys   86,050
                                                               Value not
                                                             {  tained
                        Piecegoods                  550 pieces  ascer­  } ■
                        Arms and ammunition,                                         19,850
                        Canvas •   .   .           1.800 cwt.   1,26,000   1,4S0 cwfc.   1.03.500
                        Cattle *   •               S,5U0 head   10,509   •4,800-head -   • 10,750-
                        Coliee •   •               3,150 cwt.   2,04,750   •2,505 cwt. •  1,59,500’
                        Cotton goods               1,464 bundles  3,66,000   • 780 bundles   1,60,400
                        Thread and twist            250 cwt.    14,800   1S8 cwfc.    6,950
                        Dates .    •   •           3.800  „    1,01,500  45,800 „ •  1,4V00 *
                        Date juice •               3,100 „      12.400
                        Drugs and medicines                                          ‘is,oio..
                        Grain and pulse .         46,350 cirt   2,75,650  56,100 c'srfc.   8.05.500
                        Hides and skins           25,500 pieces   16,000  22,500 piaeas  22,750*
                        Mats •     .   •                                               7,800
                        Metals •                    597 cwt.    16,480
                        Oil                          .......    16,250                19,850'
                        Pearls  •   .   •            ...... 1/2.1/ fiiAfiSjWP      38,78,000
                        Perfumery                               12.500
                        Provisions and oflmanstores             20,000                21/7QO-
                        Shells  .   .              3,403 cwt.   22,100
                        Silk                       1,429 a.     10,000
                        Silk, manufactures of      8,000 pieces   24,000              26,150-
                        Spices  .   ,              1,054 cwt.   27,860   1,120 cwt.   57,600.
                        Shark 6ns .                 425 „       12,790   168 „        13,850
                        Sugar  •   * •             MOO „        24.000 vm m           30,90 a
                        Tallow  •                   700 „       15.400                    t
                        Tobacco .                               87.500       <**•    ’46,400
                        Timber and wood                         11.000                12,170
                                                               Value not
                        Wool •     •    • •         200 cwt.           }  192 cwt.    10,350
                        Woollen goods .              60 bundles  18/00    44 bundles  13,054V
                        Other articles .                        .96,610              1,26,250

                                        Total                 67,82,640    »«•>..   52,41,830
                                        Specie                 6,35,000              6,47,500
                               GRAND TOTAL                    63,67,640    ••••••
   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93