Page 83 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 83


                                     TABLB No. 9.
                Return of Principal Article* (f Export from LingaX during l\e gear l&9l»

                                        189L                  1690.
                 Abti fciro.
                                  Quantity.   Value.    Qnnntlty.    Valoa.

                                               Ji                   . * *

         Aniraala  .  * o                                 78 bead;     2,420
         Apparel, wearing # ^  •  6,800 pieces.   14.500
         Arms and cm munition                  • ••                  '”20,000
         Canvas (country) •      1,140 cwts.    67.000  1,250 cwts.   60,000
         Cattle   •   •   •                             4.000 head.*   12,000
         Codes       •   •       5.235 cwts,   8,17,100  6,300 cwts.   1,93,000
         Coir end coir-ropo •    1.833  „       22.000  2,500 „       •30,000
         Cotton poods _ .   •    4,212 bdles.  18.40.000  3,081 bdles,  14,51,000
         Thread and twist •      1.236 cwts.    44.500  1.000 cwts.   40.000
         Delta   0    .   •     27,500 „        65.000  21,500 „      45.000
         Drugs end medicines «   3,750 „        80.000  2,750 „       .22,000
         Dyeing and colouring mate­
           rials   .   •   •     4,000 „        20,000   8,900 „    ! 19,500
          Fruits and vegetables •  8.833  „   • 40,COO  8,958 „       47,600
         Fuel ...                3,037 i tons.  31.500  3,625 tons.   29.000
         Furniture .      •                     15.000    • M •••
          Grain and palse.   •  92,550 cwts.   5,36,500  88,875 cwts.   5.62.500
         Hardware and cutlery •    63 case8.    15.500    58 cases..   14.500             I
         Hidc3 and chins •   •                  1C,000                 13.000
         Jute, and manufactures of   833 cwts.   10.000
         Lemons, dry .    •      1,170 „        1£,C40   1,800 cwts.   '*18,000
         Mats    %    •   •     28,000 pieces.   11,000   25,5l'0 pieces.   10,200
         Metals ...              2,550 cwts.    44-,COO  1,575 cwts.   24.500
          Metals, manufactures of   430 „       14.500   593 „         12.000
          Oils   .    •   o     - 6,700 „       59,COO  7,500 „        62,000
          Pearls   •   .   •                  40.95.000              82.05.500
          Perfumery •     •                     18.500               *10,000
          Porcelain and chinaware   280 cases.  14.000  '  2 5 O'cases.
          Provisions end oilman stores          65.000                 59.000
          Salt   •    •   •       2,000 tons.   12,COO   8,200 tons.   18.000
          Seeds   »   •   •        711 cwts.    12,800    823 cwts.    14,000
          Shells, mother-of-pearl  8,960 „      99.000   6,208 „     * 1,49,000
              (manufactures of    1,100 lb.     11.000                H...<
                                                25.600                 £8,000
          8piccs   •   .   •     3,080 cwts.    77.000   2.000 cwts.   60,000
          Sngarcandy               783 „        11,750    700 „ .      14.000
          c floaf •       •      6,500 „        82.600   5.000  n      75,500
          SuS"' crashed   .      3,852 „        62.000   4,485 „       62.000
          Tallow   •   •   •       655 ,,       10,000
          Tea . "  .   *   •       240 cases.    12,000   488 cases.   16,600
          Tobaoco •   •   •      18,000 cwts.  1,30,000  14,500 cvrta.  1.45.000
          Timber and wood '  .                  40.000                 32,000
          Woollen goods •           80 bdlee.    80.000   20*0 bdle*.  1.43.000
          Other articles •   •                 1,25,300              .1,71,100

                      Total                   76,87,390              68,82,220

                       Specie       %...<•    29,00,000              23,75,000
               • l
              • — t -

               GRAND TOTAL          •*..*<   1,05,87^90              92,57,220
                                       . • ;•
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88