Page 81 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 81


                                    TABLE No, 5,
            Statement thowing the Quantity of Opinm exported from Buthire from let January to QUt
                                     December 1891.

                                           To     To     To     To *   ToOas*
                                         Loroos.  Hoiaiovo.  Auxajtbbxa.  8m
                     Bj wh*t itnam.
                                         Humber of   Number of   Number of   Humber of  Humber <rf
                                          charts.  cheats.  cheats.
          Bj etcamora of the British India 8team Navigation   84  1,408  U  U
           Company, Limited.
          By etoamern of the Bombay and Persia Steam Navi­  10  2,637  10  22
           gation Company, Limited..
          By otcamon of the Persian Gulf 8teimahip Com­  21
           pany, Limited.
          By miscellaneous cteamerq .   ,  414            8      26

                                Torax      629    4405   18    • 69     11

                         GRAND TOTAL                     4J22

                                     TABLE No. 6.
          Stai-enent thowing the (mount paid for Custom* by Farmer* [at far at known) at tie Tertian
             Gulf Porte within the jurisdiction of the Governor of Bus hire for the past Persian Finan­
             cial Tear which on 21st LLarch 1691 cr.d ended on 20th• Lxarck 1692.
                                                        Kruse.     Kuo*.
               Bander Deelum                            90000
                 n Rccg                             .   90,000
                 „ Both ire                         . 11^0,000
                 „ Lingah                           .  1,30,000
                 „ Khamir                           . Not ascertained.
                 „ Abbas                            .   6,50,000
                 „ lleenow (8ecf                    .   30,000
                 » Jask                                 8/XW
               Island of Elshm                          17.000
                     Hurra dx                           16.000
                 »   Larak                          . Not ascertained. 21,07,000
          In addition to the above the Governor of Boshire fanned the
             following inland customs and other revenues for the year   i
             1891-92 and sublet them at tbe sums specified below :■
               Revenue of Bander Abbas and districts .   •  .  2,70/»0
               Revenue of Lingah and districts .....   . 1,06,000
               Octroi dues of Buahim   * •              90,000
               Customs of Shim               a      . 2,80,000
                                        OunTons                  28^2,000
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86