Page 79 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 79


                                      TABLE No. 1.
                  Return qf Principal Article* bf Export from Buthirt during iU pent 189L
                                         Quality.  Vain*.   Qua**.     ▼•Ire.
                                                      R                   R
          Animnlo •    •   .        {   846 hor*e*  61/50  i  231 borees.   }   64,100
                                          1 donkey  }
                                                            60 donkoys
          Cattle •   •   •   •         10,000 bead   2ty000   tfiOO bead   15,000
          Cotton, raw .   •   ,        44,449 cwta*   7,76/17 0  W,C33 ewta   16,99,720
           Cotton good* •   •   ,       202 pkrcs   45/XX)  139 pkgew.   21.600
           Datoo •   •   •   •         6,909 owta   awio  16/03 ewta    62/10
           Drug* and medidneo   .       824  „      22,140   065       ' 27,190
           Dyeing and colouring material*   1.418   „  13/20   24   * a  16,790
           Fruit and vegetable   *     21,016 *    4,45.770   15,368  »  2.48,690
           Grain and puLa*   •   .    241,498   „  9.71/30   €9/10 w   2,89.720
           Gum •  ' .   •   .          17.016   „  1/4.C30   8/66 .     66410
           Hides and akin*   .   ,     1.016 bundle*   81^00   1/01 pkjrea   1,03.160
           Opium   •   •   .           4,722 cbwts  47,22/00   4817 cbrtU  48,05/XX)
           Pearl* •   •   .   •                      S4/D0              21/00
                                       9.0S9 esse*
                                                           6,645 case*
           Perfumery •   •   •      {  11,609 c&rboyi  } 1/WO   { 9,COO carboys   } 1,22,050
           Provision and oiLcaanEtona                65/20   2,141 pkges   1,03,010
           Seeds ....                  11,213 cwt*.  40,510   8/43 arts.   37.150
           Silk (ran) •   »   ,         433 pkgea   1,57/00   80 „      31.150
           Tohioco ...                 29.936   „   4/2,050   30/25   „  6,69/00
           Wod ....                    7,639   „*   2j03.72>   IM* „    64,400
           17 fn&sn grods (carpets) .   216 w       1,59,150   243 pkges.  1,53,120
           Otber wtuio* .   •                       l/o/xi             1,92,900
                             Total                 87,62/30            85,93,470
                              Specie                7,01/09            9,66,200
                      GRAND TOTAL .                94,63,793           95.49,670
                                      TABLE No. 2.
                  Return of Principal Articles qf Import into Bnthire dzmtf the year 1891.
                                              IBM.                1S80.
                                         Qnantttj.  YsJu.    Quantity.  Jslae.
                                                       R                  R
          Arm* sad annnnunion .         296 ptges.   »/»    266 pkges.   43,320
          Gindin .     •   •            SSI ctfca    38,ICO   2/04 ewts.   86.370
          Ooffo* .   .   ,   .          459   „      32,740   332   .   19,940
           Cotton goods .   .   .      37/06 pkgre.  U3.l2.0CQ   31,&19 pkges.  . 95,66,200
          Thread and twist .   •        4«          I/XJ/oO   252       64,800
          Dreg* and medicine*          3*73  99     1/3/70   4,073  n   1,92.200
          Dyeing and colouring material*   370   ..  10/50   598  »      9,610
           Fuat ...                    2/7 3b tono   <3/10   3,168| ton*   61,480
          Glass and glassware          2,64a pkytr*   J6.U0   1,026 pkges.  59,360
           Gold beo and thread           10 »        8.000   56  99     45,600
          Grain and pube •             6/18 ewta     23,740-   8,971 cwt*.  47.46Q
           Hardware and cutlery         475 pkges.   69,670   231 pkgea   48,180
           Indigo   . •                2/fff cure*.  3/6,600   3,578 cwta.   6.96,250
           Juta, manufactures of        Mil t&go.    89,640   1/15 pkgea   86,430
           Liquor*, wine, and spirits   tjm m        44,250   1.906   „  33,650
           Meta* ...                   68/23 ewta   18,66,550  42.384| ewta .   15,81,820
           Metals, manufactures of       »W pkyea    67.450   830 pkgea   57,880
           OU   • • • •                8/01 rata.    66,680   4,602 owta  34.280
           reins •   •   « jsrerfT                   K,000
           a----- 1-
           Porcelain and china ware .   1*411 pkgea  1/7/80   2,345 pkgea  2,08,860
           Ptosiuoa* and cnhnanitore* a              40,100   5,473  »  6/4,180
           Klk, sad aanofactwe* of       48 jfrpia   67,40)   44  »    ' 48,300
           Sjiitw ...»                  6/66 nwt*.   1/9593   4,636 ewta   1,46/30
                   •-                    199 pkgM.   29,800   311 cases   46,400
                                       20,932 owta   2/St100  78/57 owta   11,49,140
                                       84,062  »»   4/9/60  61/20   ■  6,49,130
                                       9/29  m      9/A409   4/5*  m   4/6,510
          Timber and wood                            26/60              50,350
           Woollen good*                267 pkgea   2/4,010   "pkgea   6,11,410
          Other arrides .                           2/8/60             1,86/70
                              Total               1/1/9/90            1/6.48/40
                              fipde                 1/1*350            • ••M*
                     GRAND TOTAL .                1/1/0/70   •Mm      1,66,48,740
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84