Page 82 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 82

I                            IlDHIKISTBATIPN report on thb Persian gulp political
                                                     TABLE No. 7*
                                 Return of-Principal Article! of Export from Shiran daring the year 1891.

                                                        189L                   1800.
                                 Asti cut*
                                                  Quantity.    Value.    Quantity.    V*los.

                                                                R                      R
                         Animals (hones and males) •   2,493  4.98.000   570           85,500
                         Cotton (rtw) ; .   * -   »  80,000 pkges.  6,00,000  68,570 owUj-   9.60.000
                         Drugs and medicines •   •  6U0  ,>    16,000    278 „          9,280
                         Dyeing and colouring mate­  . 50   „   3,000   1,103 ,,        5,460
                         Fruits and vegetables .   ,  21,000 „   9.48.000   88,450 *   8,88,160
                         Gam     •   •   .   •     500   „     20,000   1,103 „        4,500
                         Hides and skins »   »  2,40,000 pieces   1.92.000  10,49,000 pieces   19,08,600
                         Opium   .   •   .   •   5,100 chests  35,07,000  5,800 ebeste  53,00,000
                                                                        5.000  cases
                         Perfumery (Rosewater)   •  4,000 cases  48.000  6.000  carboyo  }  34,800
                         Seeds   •   .   •       8,500 pbges.   35.000  1,280 owts.    7,260
                         Tobacco                 25,C0d bags   4.00. 000  34,280   „  5,C9,000
                         ■Wool   •   .   •   •     £20 pkges.   12.000   714   „      14,000
                         Woollen goods (carpets)   #  500 „   2.00. 000  700 pkges.  1.54.000
                         Other articles             ••••*»      •••                    9,900

                                      Toni.                  64,79,000              94,41,410*

                                                     TABLE No. 8,
                                 Return of Principal Article* of Iaports into Shiraz during the year 1891.

                                                        1891.                  1890.
                                                   Quantity.   Value.    Quantity.    Value.

                                                                R                      R
                         Candice   •   •         .4,000 case*  32.000   5,000 esses    SX.OW
                         Coffee   •   •            300 bundle •   8,000   85 ewts,     4.j0<W>
                         Cotton goods ,         48,000 pkgca,   96.0. 000
                         Thread and twist        1,500 bales   090.000   450 pkges.   SIJiOO
                         Drugs and medicines       300 pkges,   6,000                 25,866
                         Glass and glassware     1,400 cases   68.000   2,430 cases   73.000
                         Gold embroidered cloth    800 pieces  48.000    400 pieces   20.000
                         Gold lace and thread                  34.000   1,500 bandies   f,0©O
                         Hardware and cutlery      90 cases     7,200     15 cases
                         Indigo   •   .            250  n      70.000    165 cwts.     tojno
                         Metals     . •                       5.80.000               ijBjsen
                         Oil (kerosine) .        1,500 cases    9,000   2.000  cases   1
                         Porcelain and china war   1,500   *   84.000   1,200 „        61*400
                         Silk, manufactures of   1,500 pwsses   75.000   3,660 pieces  1,»J000
                         Spices                  2,700 pkges.   76,600  11,670 cwts.   4j70,160
                         Sugar, / b&f            22,000 cases   5.50.000  62,500   „  8,40,000
                               (.•oft ,          30,0(0 pkges.   6.00. 000  50.000   „  7,00,1)00
                         Tea .                    2,OUO cases  1.44.000  8,400   „   8,28,800
                         ■Woollen goods ,                     1.88.000     68 hales   1,26,240
                         Other articles •                                              14,820

                                     Total                   ),22,58,800             89,82,840
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87