Page 86 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 86

                          30      ADMm&TEATloN fcSPORt OH TfilS PRB8IAK GULP POLWIOAL

                                                     Tab lb No* 18.
                              Retnrn xf Principal Article* of Export from Bander Abba*, during the gear 1891.

                                                               icw.               ICO,
                                                          Quinlltj,  Talcs.  Qrallty.  Trias*
                                                                     a                  *
                          Cotton goods •   •              148 bales   15.000   230 bales   40,000
                          Cotton, raw •   •   •          18,344 onto.   1,60,130  27,500 onto.   A60,000
                          Dates »•   • t • • •          00,1.00 „   1A ooo  1,29,500  „  2.05.600
                          Drop and medicines   •        1W2S „       01,810   10,000 „   2,52,000
                          Dyeing nod colouring material   4,900  „   23.050   31,900   „  62,600
                          Fruits and vegetables   .     63.382 ■„   • 6/5>5O0  1,00,500  „  6.51.600
                          Grain ahd pulss *             18,004  „    62.2G0   10,600 tt   42.100
                          Gam •   •   •                   170 „       2,810   270   „    8,000
                          Hides and skins •             1/ttTbdIes.   65,630
                          Mats •   •                                 saooo   3.000 bdlca.   70,050
                          Opium   •                     1,398 chests  12/8,200   1,383$ chests.  16,60,200
                          Perfumery  •                               11,400
                          Provisions  •  *                        . 2/4/00             1.83.000
                          Salt .                        20,000 tons.   CO.OOO   24,000 tone.   44.000
                          Seeds •   •                   81,054 ewts.   1,15,620   6,850 ewts.   5^600
                          Silk, nw   •   •                 20 bdles.   io/mo  £3 bdles.   69,550
                          Silk, manufactures of            37  „     37.000   15   „    15.000
                          Sulphur   •   •.                                 2,600 cwta.  30.000
                          Timber and wood                            sts                 1,000
                          Tobacco   •   •                2,200 ewts.   11,000  3,500 cwta.   35.000
                          Wool   .   •                  16,158      2,79,620  20,030   „  3.95.000
                          Woollen goods (csrpotcj         411 bdles.  1/3,700  SGObdlos.  75,900
                          Other articles •                           19,090   MS        183.00
                                               Total               33,55,520          44,18,000
                                               Specie      SH       3,52,7o0           2,55,000
                                        GRAND TOTAL                37,09,270          46,73,600

                                                     Taels No. 14.
                             Rcisrx of Principal Article* of Import* into Bender Abbot dzring the gear 1891.

                                                               IfflL              iso.
                                                         QcxotHy.  Taico.   Qszlity.   T«l«*
                                                                    9                   ft
                         Animals •   •                  IfiOO donkeya.   BOflOQ  S-55 «?Gake ja.   13,000
                         Gaffes *   .  ' •              474 ewtxu    31/80  200 cwU.    12JOOO
                         Gitton goods _   • •          9,760 balie.   31,12*260  10,100 boles.   23/0/J00
                         Thrcvl tad trial              <418 *       4£S*&0  2JCOO *    3/30,000
                         Drug-* xcd maJksaes            1,253 ewU.   14910  480 cuts.   14A00
                         Tcrcikn •   •                               14290
                         Gold tnSnif&rf .                209 pieces.  lO/KXJ  IGQjaeoee.  ~2JXK>
                         Gold bee and gold tbw                                          2/00
                         Grain and polss •             ll/SfTcwta.   54,600  6/Xxfewts.  20000
                         Hardware •   •                  235 eases.   24,820  450 eases.   45.000
                         Iijdige •                      3,400 cwta.   3J09.40O  6/JOOcwta,   4/6,000
                         Jute, manufactures of           830 bales.  21,170  1/00 bales.  40000
                         lienors, wines tad ninb         227         18.000  160 bases.   1/50
                         Hittan .                       1,250 bales.   12/GO  1/00 bales.   10000
                         Kctah                          9*443 ewts.  I/1JQ70  La/XX) cwtn. *  tfiifloo
                         Oi                              1,000       8/MO               8JOOO
                                                          900 ,      14*000  l/oa       §1*600
                                                         4/567 cwta.  WU840  7S0ewta.   IV0»
                         8^,«nanalu*arm<*                  15 bdSas.   »/X»   9 b£es.   14000
                         8 pice*   ‘ • • •               7/85 ewts.  1,30,460  5.000 ewts.   «WX»
                         gflAihrawy :                     16 eases.   1,600   7S cases.  4/WO
                         fsra,.i                 ..V     MU „        17,200   woo .     10,000
                                                                            £00 ewts.
                         ?rf i:-                        ».190 *    13,81/SO  26,500 m  22/W/OO
                                                                           13.000  .
                                                        28»«88 *
                         Timber and wood                                                11*000
                                                        Umfbdta.     22.500  S^CObdles.  15,000
                                  •• .7      • 1           ? .       9/100    7 »        7,000
                                                                     64370              25/180
                                                           • M     87/6/60            §408/30
                                             ;:&£    U     •••      2«/M8              2/0000
                                                     i                                     . A
                                        GRASD TOTAL                CUM*
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91