Page 84 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                                   TABLE No. 10.
                               Rtlum of Principal Articlei of Import* into Lingah during the gear 1891,

                                                        189L                   1850.
                                                 Qanntitj.   Volos.     Quantity.    Volos.
                                                                J?                     /?
                        Animals  «   •   •        804 hoad     12,100    100 head      6.650
                        Apparel, wearing .   •  . 7,600 pieces  21,200  9,100 pieces  24.300
                        Arms Urd ammunition . •                                       25.000
                        Books and printed matters •   67 cases   *16,500  68 cases    20,200
                        Building materials   }   6,000 tons    10,875   6,900 tons     12.000
                        Candles   .   *.         1,860 cases   10,880   1,700 cases    12,750
                        Canvas (country)         1,600 cwts,   77.000   1,416 cwts.   68,000
                        Cattle '■   •   • ■     12.000 head    42.000   16.000 head   48.000
                        Cocoanuta .   .           945 cwts.    18,685  • 800 cwts.     18.000
                        Coftee   .   •           7,200 „      4.32.0 UO  2,717 „     2,60,000
                        Coir and coir-rope       2.500  „      30.000   4,000 „        48.000
                        Cotton goods             6,150 bdles,   15,57,500  8,461 bales   16,01,000
                        Thread end twist •       2,158 cwts.   77.500   1,600 cwta.    60.000
                        Cotton, raw.   •          733 „        11.000   1,072 „        19.500
                        Bites       . •         45.000  „     1.07.000   27.000  „     81,000
                        Drags and medicines      6,100 „       41,300   4,400' „       84^400
                        Dyeing end colouring materia   6,700 „  33.500  6,780* „       28;900
                        Earthenware   ,   ,                     14.000                 15.300
                        Fruits and vegetables ,   5,308 cwts.   63.700  '5,879 cwtB.   70,550
                        Fuel •   •   .   •      10.500 Ions     84.000  9,750 tons     78.000
                        Furniture •   •   ■ •                   21.000                 18,200
                        Gold embroidered cloth  •  800 pieces   15.000   210 pieces    10.500
                        Gold lace and thread .     670 lb      • 18,400   600 lb       12.000
                        Grain and pulse  .     1,54,350 cwts.   8.33.0  CO 1,76,926'cwts.   11,06,900
                        Hardware and cutlery .     100 cases    25.000     92 cases    23.000
                        Jute, and manufacture of   500 cwts.    17.500    889 cwts.    19,600
                        Leather, and manufacture of           ' 23,000               • 17,500
                        Lemons,dry   •   .•••     1,750 cwts.   21.000  1,950 cwts,    19.500
                        Mats   ** «              88,750 pieces   15.500   44,750 pieces   17,900
                        Metals                   4,000 cwts.    62,000   . 8,750 cwts.  59.000
                        Metals, manufacture of   . 630 „        21,000    257 „        18.000
                        Oils .                    8,333 „       80,000  13,000 ,,     1.04.000
                        Pearls _.                             42,45,000              35,35,000
                        Perfumery •  • '                        28,000                 15.800
                        Porcelain ond chinaware    400 cases    20,000    378 cases    15,100
                        Provisions and oilmaustores            1.08.000               1,07,500
                        Salt .                    2,850 tons    17,000   3,600 tons    18,000
                        Seeds.                    1,155 cwts.   20,800   1,276 cwta.   21.800
                        Shells (mother-of-pearl)  4,400 „      1,01,000  6,459 „      1.55.000
                        Silt, {  raw. . •         1,700 lb      17.000   1,400 B       14.000
                              manufactures of                   40,600                 47.650
                        Spices                    4,500 cwta.   1.12.500   2,870 cwta.   86.000
                        Sugarcandy   •            1,060         15,750    860 „        17.000
                              (crushed !          1,800 „       27.000  9,567 „
                                                  6,000 „       81.000   7,000 „       98.000
                        Tallow   .                 833 „        16,000    898 „ '      £1,506
                        Tea .   .    .             300 cases.   16,000    671 cases    £2,600
                        Tobacco •                15,700 cwts.   1,59,000  19,000 ewts.  1.90.000
                        Timber and wood.            •••#••      68,800                 86^000
                        ■Woollen goods ( ,         150 bales   1.05.500   253 bales   1.83.000
                        Other articles   .                      82.700                 95,700

                                      Total • .               90*81,704              86,16,200

                                      Specie                  35,35,000   .••••••    26,18,000

                            .GRAND TOTAL .                   1,26,16,740            1,12,38,200
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89