Page 78 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 78


                                               APPENDIX A TO PART III.

                                          CONSISTING OP THE FOLLOWING 8TATI8TIC8.
                             1.  Return of principal articles of export from BuBbiro daring tbe year 1891.
                             2.  Return of principal articles of import into Busbire during tbe year 1891.
                             3.  Table showing total Yalae of all artioles exported from and imported to Busbire to
                         and from foreign countries daring tbe year 1891.
                             4.  Return of shipping at the port of Bosbire in tbe year 1891.
                             5.  Statement showing tbe quantity of opium exported from Busbire from 1st January
                         to 81st December 1891.
                             6.  Statement showing the costoms and other Revenues fanned by tbo Governor of
                          Bnsbire for the year 1891*92.
                             7.  Return of principal articles of export from Shiraz during the year 1891.
                             8.  Return of principal articles of import into Shiraz during the year 1891.
                             9.  Return of principal articles of export from Lingab during tbe year 1891,
                             10.  Return of principal articles of import into Lingab daring tbe year 1891.
                             11.  Table showing tbe total value of all articles exported from and imported into Lingah
                          to and from foreign countries during tbe year 1891.
                             12.  Return of shipping at Lingab in tbe year 1891.
                             18. Return of principal articles of export from Bander Abbas during tbe year 1-891.
                             14.  Return of principal articles of import into Bander Abbas during tbe year 189L
                             15.  Table sbowiug the total value of all articles exported from and imported into Bander
                          Abbas to and from foreign countries during tbe year 1891.
                             16.  Return of shipping at the port of Bander Abbas during tbe year 1891.
                             17.  Statement showing tbe quantity of opium exported from Bander Abbas from tbe 1st
                         January to 31st December 1891.
                             18.  Return of principal articles of export from Bahraiu daring tbe year 1891.
                             19.  Return of principal articles of import into Bahrain daring tbe year 1891.
                             20.  Table showing tbe total value of all articles exported from and imported into Bahrain
                         to and from foreign countries during the year 1891.
                             21. Return <£ stripping at tbe port of Bahrain in the year 1891.
                             22.  Return of principal articles of export from the ports on tbe Arab Coast of tbe Persian
                         Gulf daring the year 189 L
                             LS. Return of principal articles of import into ports on tbe Arab Coast of tbe Persian
                         Gulf duotag lfee jw 18SHL
                             24.    showing the total value of all articles exported from and imported into tbe
                         porta on tbs Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during tbe year 1891.
                             25.  Return of shipping at the ports on the Arab Coast of tbe Persian Gulf in tbn
                         ywr 1891*

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