Page 115 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 115


                                      or THI

                        MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY



                         Paut I.—general summary.

                             1.—'OMAN MUSCAT COAST.
           The Report has been drawn up by Major J. Hayes Sadler, and forms Part
         II of this compilation.
            The political affairs of ’Oman have bean markedly quiet. Since the with­
         drawal of Sayyid Abdul Aziz to India, no attempts have been made against tbe
         Sultan of Muscat. But His Highness has unfortunately been unable to pre­
         vent old inter-tribal quarrels between the Hinawi and Ghafris from breaking
         out afresh. The small fights that continually occur when these tribes are at
         feud, though not causing great loss of life or property, yet engender a sense of
         insecurity among the more peaceful inhabitants of the towns situated on the
         trade routes, and so re-act seriously upon the commerce of the principal ’Oman
         ports. During the latter half of the year 1892, the routes from the Sharkiyeh
         were closed against the Hinawi caravans until January 1893, "when the Sultan
         negotiated a peaceful settlement of existing disputes.
            The robber chief, Shaikh Hamud-al-Jahafi, who in 1S84 was the canse^ of
         considerable trouble to Sayyid Turki, suddenly appeared in the Batinah during
         October 1892 with seventy followers. His unexpected arrival occasioned   some
         concern, hut being taken ill at Manh, he retired to the Sharkiyeh.
            Sayyid Abdul Aziz is still in India. His Highness the Sultan has not yet
             to terms with his uncle for his permanent residence there.
            The total value of the trade of Muscat for the year under report shews a
         decrease as compared with that for the preceding year, which is attributed by
            Political Agent to the disturbances in tbe Sharkiyeh. These have not appa-
         **ntly affected the import .trade which shews a large increase.
            The consent of the Sultan was readily given to the construction of a tidal
         observatory at Muscat in February 1893.

                              2.—’OMAN PIRATE COAST.
             In November the Resident proceeded in H.M.S.      accompanied by
                Cossack and the R.I.M.8. Laicrence to the ’Oman Coast for the pur-
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