Page 117 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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           bbsidenct  ATnD MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POJl THE YEAR. 1892-OJ.  1

        Chief of Shargah before using the island as a fishing ground, and he agreed to
       do »o.
          In September tho Chief of Shargah, aocompanied by Sultan Ibn Muhammad
       Kaimi, visited Debai and renewed with the Chiefs representative the truce
       between the two Chiefs, which events at Ajman had contributed to impair.
          The Chiefs of Shargah, Debai, and Ajman, who bare succeeded to their
       Chiefsbips since the conclusion of the agreement of 1879 between the trucial
       Chiefs regarding tho rendition of absconding debtors, have now subscribed to it.
          In September last Sultan Ibn Muhammad, Chief of the Naim, and Abdul             I
       ^ii-hin-Bomaid, uncle of tho Chief of Ajman, again laid schemes to depose
       bim, and were joined at Shargah by tho Chief of Um-ul-Kawain. The idea,
       however, was abandoned on the receipt by Ajman of timely aid from Debai,
       and an understanding was effected between the rival parties by the Chief of
          The Chief of Ajman subscribed to the regulations forbidding despatch of
       armed boats by sea.
          The action cf the Chief of Himriyeh, a feudatory of Shargah, in allowing
       Blares to he landed in his territory, was brought to the notice of the latter
       Chief, who, however, professed his inability to compel his feudatory to fulfil
       the requirements of the slave trade treaties: while therefore a fine for a breach
       of these treaties by Eimriveh. was recovered from the Shargah Chief as the
       head of the tribe, the Hireriyeh Chief was required to submit to the authority
       of Sbargab, and during the Resident's visit in November an arrangement was
       made between the two Chiefs which i; is hoped will obviate further contumacy
       on the part of Himriyeh.
          The Himriyeh Chief, who is a busy-body, is the frequent caura of jealousy
       between the SLargoh ana Ddbai Chiefs, with the latter of whom he is very
          The Chief of Er.s-uI-IThymnh was conspicuous amongst the trucial Chiefs
       for his disregard of slave trade treaty obligation, and was accordingly punished
       by a heavy fine in November last.
           The Chief has complained cf los:cs to Eas-ul.Khymah subjects at Dander
       Abbas and Ebargu, Enquiries are being made, hut, so far, the Persian author­
       ities deny the alleged fact*.

           In April last the Chief, apparently by advice cf the person then Kazi, one
       Shaikh Jasim, issued an order appropriating one-third of the property of de­
       ceased persons. This order, however* gave rise to a good deal of dissatisfaction,
       and was subsequently withdrawn.
           Piracies by the Beni Haiir continued during this years pearl-diving
       reason. Several boa*s belcmrin- to Bahrain were attacked and plundered by
       them.                    w
           After one of these robberies, in which cargo and specie, amounting to $2,000,
       V* plundered, the Mutasarif of El-Kasa sent twenty soldiers from El-Katif to
       ^bram as an escort for boats plying between Bahrain and Ojair, and they
       tinned for some time to perform this duty, of course in their own boat.
           The vigilance of the Turkish authorities in their own territorial waters
        and r?1 su^ent prevent attacks on Bahrain boats plying between Bahrain
            ‘•Eatif, and several of these petty piracies went unpunished,
        on tl           fears were entertained by the Chief of Bo jrain of an attack
            e fi.and by Shaikh Jasim-bin-Muhainmad-bin-Thaui and Nasir-bm-
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