Page 137 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 137


                                 appendix a to part hi.

                ] Return of principal articles of export from Bushiro during the year 1892.
                 ’     of principal articles of import into Bushire during the year 1892,
                  TaWo lowing total value of all articles exported from, and'imported to, Boshire to
              ni from foreign countries during the year 1892.
                4 Return of shipping at the port of Bushire in the year 1892.
                6, Statement showing the quantity of opium exported from Bushire from 1st Janaary
              to 3lst December 1892.
                 6. Statement shewing the customs and other revenues farmed by the Governor of Bushire
              for the year 1892-98.
                7. Return of principal articles of export fiom Shiraz during the year 1892.
                8. Return of principal articles of import into Shiraz during the year 1892.
                9.  Rotura of principal articles of export from Lingah duriug the year 1892.
                10. Return of principal articles of import into Lingah during the year 1892.
                11. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported into, Lingah
              to and from foreign countries during the year 1892.
                12.  Return of shipping at Lingah in the year 1892.
                13.  Return of principal articles of export from Bander Abbas daring the year 1892.
                14.  Return of principal articles of import into Bauder Abbas during the year 1892.
                15. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported into, Bander
              Abbas from and to foreign countries during the year 1892.
                16.  Return of shipping at the port of Bander Abbas during the year 1892.
                17. Return of principal articles of export from Bahrain during the year 1892.
                18. Retorn of principal articles of import into Bahrain during the year 1892.
                19.  Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported into, Bahrain
              to and from foreign countries during the year 1892.
                20.  Return of shipping at the port of Bahrain in the year 1892.
                21.  Return of principal articles of export from the ports on the Arab coast of the Persian
              Gulf during the year 1892.
                22. Return of principal articles of import into the ports on the Arab coast of the Persian
              Gulf during the year 1892.
                -3. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported into, the
              1892 00      coas^ *^e Persian Gulf to and from foreign countries during the year

              jggg ' ^e*uro shipping at the ports on the Arab coast of the Persian Gulf in the year

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