Page 138 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                                                 TABLE No. 1.
                             Return of Principal Articles of Export from Buthire during He year 1892.

                                                   Quantity.  Value.    Quantity,
                                                                E                   a
                       Animals •                   487 horses  73,050  {  346 homos   }   51.960
                                                                         1 donkey
                       Cattle .                  16,000 bosd   30.000  10.000 bead.   axooo
                                                 31,350 cwta.  6,97,000  44.449 owts.  7.76,870
                                                   328 pkges*   65,380  202 pkges.   46.600
                       Dales                     11,470 owts.   40.740  6,909 cwta,   21,210
                       Drugs and medicines        1,203   *»   26,540  824   „     22,140
                       Djeing and colouring materials   1,620   99  8,180  i,m m   13.620
                       Fruits and vegetables     22,300   99  4,28,210  21.016 „   4.46,770
                       Grain and pulse   .   .   37.416   99  1,32,630  2.41.493   „  9,71,330
                       Gum •   •’   •  .  •      22.053       2.17.250  17,016   .,  1^4.690
                       Hides and skins   .   •    1,989 pkgos.   1,69,120  1,016 bundles   81,200
                       Opium .    •   •           5,417J chests.  54,17,500  4,722 cheats  47,22.000
                       Pearls ....                              6,000              34.600
                                                  9,502 cases
                                                                      9,089 cases
                       Perfumery (rosewater) ..  {  11,794 carboys   } .1,24,950  11,509 carboys  1.72,170
                       Provisions and oilmanstores   6,557 pkges.   2,00,350       55.320
                       Seeds ....                 9,929 cwts.   42,310  11,213 cwta.  40,910
                       Shells, moiher-o-pcarl .   11,291 pkges.   3,04,850
                       SOk, raw .   .   .          232         91,650  433 pkges.   1,57,760
                       Tobacco .   .             36,250 cwts.   6,14.690  28,936   „  4,62,090
                       Wool ....                  4.618        97,950  7.639 H    2,03,720
                       Woollen goods (carpets) .   392 pkges.  2,83,370  216 „    1,59,160
                       Other articles'   .   .                 82,530              1,80,800
                                         Total                91.49,050           87,62.690
                                         Specie               9,44,860             7,01,200
                                  GRAND TOTAL                1,00,93,910          94,63,790
                                                 TABLE No. 2.
                              Return of Principal Articles of Import into Bus Aire during the year 1892.
                                                         1692.               189L
                                                    Quantity.  Value.   Quantity.  Value.
                                                                fi                  B
                       Arms and ammunition .      • 25 ptges.         296 pkgea.    39.640
                       Candles ...                 364 cwts.    3.120  981 owt.     38,460
                       Coffee •   ...              681 „        11.640   439   „    32.740
                       Cotton                    32,463 pkges.  48,950  37,706 pkges.  1,13,12,000
                       Thread and twist .   ,      387       1,00,63,530  432  »>  1,03,960
                       Drugs and medicines        4,805   M  .  1,17.160  3,873    1,13,670
                       Dyeing and colouring materials   698   „  14.920   370  99   10.050
                       Fuel ....                  2,954 tons         2,273£ tons.   43,210
                       Glass and glassware                     49,250  2,645 pkges.   76,140
                       Gold lace and thread .     2.348 pkges.   68.310             8.000
                       Grain and pulse .   ,           I'      48,200   10          23.740
                       Hardware and cutlery      10,664 cwts.  48,330   6,118 cwts.  69,670
                                                   408 pkges.
                                                                      476 pkges.
                       Indigo ....                3,117 cwts.   35,490  2,379 cwts.   3,96,500
                       Jute, and manufactures of              6,19,600              89.640
                       Lamps and l&mpware          637 pkges.   43.920   1,111 pkges.  •....
                                                   182 cases.
                       Liquors, wines, and spirits   1,988 „   36,400   2,379 cases   44,260
                       Metals •   .   ,          41,286 cwts.   37,630            18,66,650
                        Do., manufactures of .                8,76,140  68,723 cwts.  67,460
                                                                      940 pkges.
                       Oils ...                   2,399 pkges.   2,26,630           66.680
                       Pearls ....                7,664 cwts.  60,090  8,807 owts.  22.000
                       Porcelain and Chinaware                £28,660              1,97.780
                       Provisoes and oHmanstores   1,192 pkges.      1,411 pkges.   40,100
                       6ilk, manufactures of .    7.168 l      71.640   8,069  *»   67,400
                       Spices ....                 11 cases.   14,800  43   99     1,89,920
                       Stationery .               8,344 cwts.  2,19,040  0,966 owts.   29,800
                                                   362 pkges.
                                                                       199 pkges.
                            (3 :  :              55,606 cwta.   10,89,900 20,932 cwts.   2,79,100
                       Tea ...                   72,619 „     11,12,890 34,062   *  9,63.400
                       Timber and wood .          7.808  „     7,94,710  9,729   „  25,280
                       Woollen goods                           64,660
                       Other articles .   .        101 pkgea.  77.310   267 ” pkge»-  2,68,660
                                         Totil       ••••••  1,03,56.730           1.61,360
                                         Specie                          ••••••
                                                     Mmm       1,03,120
                                  GRAND TOTAL                            ••••••  1,78.80870
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